
If I wash my hair a lot, will it fade?

by Guest55556  |  earlier

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I just dyed my hair black and it's too dark for my liking. So if i keep washing it, maybe twice a day, will it get lighter?




  1. Sweetie  listen this is what you need:  I have done this so much it works every time.    

    Wash your hair in warm water, and use Palmolive dish washing liquid.  Each time you do this it will lighten a stage lighter.

    P.S.  Not dishwasher,  dish washing liquid. k  Good Luck

  2. no, black won't fade. if it was too dark, try going with a dark brown/ almost black. it fades to a perfect shade thats meant for your hair. but if you keep washing your hair... ITS NOT GOOD FOR YOUR HAIRRR!!!! and im DEAD serious.  washing your hair too much, takes out all the oils in your scalp that keeps your hair healthy, shiny and soft. and if your like ' ewwww oily hair!!' like i bet you are, i can assure you that theses oils arent visible like a greasy head. theyre the same oils, but the greasy head is usually someone who takes a shower once a month. but if you shower too much, itll make your hair dry out and be TOTALLY unmanageable, frizzy, and have split ends.

    why would you dye your hair black anyway? no one has naturally black hair, not even asians or africans, or dogs. its just a reallly dark brown. People who dye their hair black look really unnatural!

    plus, if you wanted black to would be grey...


  3. Unfortunately, if it's permanent its probably not going to fade through washing, unless it was a cheap dye. To lighten it you could have some highlights put in but you risk damaging your hair more, i would suggest a clip in weft (type of hair extension) to add a lighter color without harming your hair then in a few weeks try a dark brown dye.  

  4. no it is actually better for your hair

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