
If I went 2,000 feet in the air would i be hot or cold?

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i mean cause the particles in heat are less dense than cold particles so the should fly up and be higher than cold ones and so as you get higher it should get hotter right? but a mountain's are freezing cold and they are really high




  1. At 2000 feet you wouldn't feel any different than at surface level.

    That's less than a half of a mile.  Small aircraft fly at that level all the time and experience no change in temperature.

  2. if you live at an elevation of 10,000 ft. and the freezing level was 12,000 ft. and you went up 2000 ft. you'd freeze your butt off.

  3. it would be cold  

  4. It would be cold. It is the sun's rays hitting the earth that keeps us warm down here. The higher you get, the thinner the air is, and the closer to space you get. Space is very cold!

    Warm air does rise, but it cools down pretty quickly.

  5. For about the first 20km it gets colder as you go higher, then it starts getting warmer for a bit, then colder again, blah blah.  I was going to post a graph but the 2nd guy beat me to it, and his graphs were better than mine anyways.

  6. You would be cold at 2,000 feet in the air, but if you went up higher, it would get warmer, then colder, then warmer again. It's due to the conditions in the different layers in the atmosphere.

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