
If I went into the girls bathroom at my school would I get in trouble?

by  |  earlier

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The boys bathroom is always so disgusting.




  1. Yes, you will get in trouble, for obvious reasons.

    But you know what?  The girl's john is just as bad, in most places.  School age /teenage girls are just as much slobs as the boys.

    Use the boys, and try to leave it just a little bit cleaner than when you went in.

  2. not if your caught or you look like a girl and no one knows ur a guy....otherwise yes, they'll think your a psycho and girls wont like it.

  3. Of course you'll get in trouble.  

  4. they gonna catch you !!!

  5. I dunno; does being expelled appeal to you?  

  6. I registered s*x offenders for two years...  How would you like to be in a wheel chair in your eighties, coming in to register as a convicted s*x offender?  Not a wise move!

  7. Yeah, most likely. That sucks.

    And I bet the boy's bathroom is disgusting - here's a hint though:

    Use the first stall/urinal, it's the cleanest. Don't use the middle one, for the exact opposite reason.

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