
If I went to Japan would I be considered fat?

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I'm 5ft 8 130 lbs...




  1. I would say no

  2. Uhm..

    aren't you already considered "fat" in the states?

    And yeah since we're pretty small in size and weight yes you'd be considered fat.

    here kids have a balanced lunch program, and the sports club are excellent. i've never seen fat young kids.

    im 14 and half japanese and i live here. yeah.

  3. don't listen to <333

    Your not even considered fat here in America

    who cares what the people in japan think ?

    were all the same anyways.

    by the way your skinny & tall

    not "fat"

  4. No.

    Anyway the reason asians weight less is due to having smaller bodyl frames and less muscle mass. Their BMI cut off is 23 as opposed to 25.

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