
If I were a teacher I would teach children to be free thinkers and not to follow established Ideas. What?

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Would you teach? I would teach them to look at both sides before making any definative answers and not to be afraid to question established beliefs. I would teach them that the world wants and needs people who can think beyond the boundaries of normal thinking.

I might even teach them how to spell better than me.




  1. I would teach kids not to be fooled by false prophets claiming their Volvo could outrun a 911.......

  2. I am a teacher and love my students. Of course they are all only 5 years old. We do try to teach them to look at life from our perspective but we allow them the opportunity to show how they think and feel. We have an  existential classroom.

  3. If only more teachers would teach children to be free thinkers and think out of the box but unfortunatly there is too much red tape in place and teachers only really teach children to get through exams!

  4. You wouldnt last very long trying to teach kids to be individuals. the curriculum and school life in general is designed (whatever the ads say) to churn out identical, badly educated little clones, who can take their place in the workforce making money for a small percentage of the nation. 'They' dont want free thinkers who may question the system, who may object to it, and god forbid who may try to do anything about it!

  5. you're clearly not a teacher then. You'd be out of a job in the blink of an eye.

  6. individualism!

  7. Teach them to think not to memorize.  A dog can memorize where his food bowl is, but can he think beyond that?  Do we want our children to think for themselves or be robots?  I think teaching can be done without books to some degree, but definitely teach them to think on their own.

  8. Agree, but you need a Balance.

    History dictates these Ideas.

    Success with free-thinking depends on timing & Individuals.!

  9. I teach my children to treat others as they would like to be treated themselves, to respect their elders, to always do their best, if its their best then who could ask for more.

    I teach them that violence creates violence and that well thought out words and actions are the best way to win in most situations. I teach them right from wrong, good from bad, Love from hate and not to be judgemental about things or people. I also tell them that no matter what they do, where they go or who they become they will always have me because i will always Love them unconditionally.


  10. You would probably be good in a steiner school or in the uk there is a well known tradition called home schooling where the  national curriculum has no place however there is still a matter of exams to be considered.

    Teachers are not in the priviledged position of teaching radical free thinking unfortunately as league tables take presidence over the minds of individuals, (boo hoo ) As a teacher myself i take great pride in teaching my own children to follow their hearts and their thoughts where ever they may lead them. I beleive in the celebration of the individaul and originality beats conformity, so i big up your thinking. And your spelling is not too bad.

  11. I think that most people would do this (no educational system really wants students just to repeat the thoughts of the past), but students need to understand the thoughts that others have had so that they know how to think and so that their thought processes have some discipline behind them.  "Free thinking" usually ends up meaning NOT thinking, otherwise.  Ad by the way, most issues have far more than two sides to any issue.

    I teach, and the biggest thing I want students to think about is the "why?" of anything they learn.  I want them to question, although that doesn't mean being rejecting of everything.

  12. Easier said than done with some kids today. Getting them to 'think' at all is an achievement.

    Others are naturally free thinkers who question what they are told.

    I am a mother and a teacher.

  13. That's how i have taught my Son to think, we have some brilliant debates and discussions on world issues.  I wish more teachers taught this way, as i sometimes feel the system tries to contradict what i teach my Son.

    I would probably teach them better grammer skills than i have myself!

  14. You would be a great teacher well thats what I think ignor all the people who think you will not be a good teacher.

  15. I'd teach them that all the world's a stage and Pink's in the spotlight.

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