
If I were born with both genders how would I know?

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Im 5,5 tall have small hands and feet and a scar between my testicals and a**s. all my body seems to be the same size as the average woman.

small wrists and ears




  1. Babes i think the best thing is to ask your parents but maybe put it in as a joke so you cna see they;re reaction

    or go to the doctors saying you have found scars or that you are worried about you height then if you were both genders then he will tell you without you having to ask


    good luck and remember it really doesnt matter if you are the d**k head who answered and took up loads of space is just stupid


    answer mine

  2. Go to see a specialist

  3. Keli has the best answer.  Sounds like you are stressing over stereotypes (height, hands, feet).  People come in all shapes and sizes.

    Now I am wondering why you have asked this question.  Do you have underlying gender issues (TG/TS)?

  4. This is a question that is heard by every open transgendered person. Most can't give a decent answer. The most common way for many trans people is to say something to the effect of being "trapped in the wrong body." This usually does very little to answer that question. These are two methods that are very good at getting you at least to a basic understanding of how transgenders works in the mind. Both of these methods involve asking yourself a lot of questions. So, hopefully you're in the right mindset for it.

    What is your favorite color?

    If you don't have one, move on to method two. Otherwise keep going.

    Now, ask yourself why. Why is that color your favorite color?

    Look beyond the simple "Because it's pretty" and the "it's dark and I like dark" or the "because blue is the color of the sky and the sky makes me smile" answers. Ultimately, you could ask the same "Why do you like the sky" type questions anyway.

    No, look deeper down. Why do you like that color? What's telling you that you like it? How do you truly know it's your favorite color?

    Can you truly answer that question? Or is it something you just....know?

    This method is best if you're hungry.

    What are you hungry for? craving? What is it you really want to eat right now?


    How do you know?

    What's telling you?

    Can you answer that?

    These are very simple questions. However, they aren't very easily answered. Eventually you will come to the conclusion that you don't know why. You just know. Therein lies your answer. It is the same for transgenders. In fact, the same could be applied to sexual orientation. Something is telling you that this is who you are, or this is who you are attracted to. You can't explain it. You can't fight it. You just are.

  5. Ask your parents.

  6. i don't think is possible to born with overlap genders; either you are a male or female. maybe other parts of your body might seems to look like the opposite s*x, but your sexual organ is the one that count.  

  7. There is no such thing as being born with both genders.

    There is no such thing as human hermaphrodites, unless you believe in unicorns as well. This is a very common misconception.

    From what you are describing, you are inferring that you may have been born intersexed. This may or may not be true. You would have to have blood and biopsy tests to reveal your chromosomes as being intersexed, ie- xxy, x*x, xyy, etc.

    The area you are referring to is called the perineum.

    It's normal. The reason for the line is, we are all conceived (basically) as a female embryo. Once testosterone is introduced, the labia fuses, becoming the s*****m...hence the line in the perineum area.

    you're having small hands, feet and being 5'5" has little to do with you being born both genders.  

  8. You would only know if you were comfortable enough with your parents to ask them. If you are 16 or above then there is absoloutely no reason as to why they should not tell you. In my eyes if you are abiove that age then they certainly should have already told you. Afterall you would and should have a right to know. However, I strongly doubt that you were born a female there are plenty of men out there that are not VERY developed, especially if you are only young then until yoou are 21 you will not know how developed you really are. The only thing that makes me believe you could have been born female is that you have a scar (as you said) going between your testicals. This could be a small op you had when you was small though and you just dont remember. Ask them no matter how old you are.  

  9. Your parents would be able to tell you, but if you would rather not ask them why not make an appointment at your doctors for some advice, maybe they could look into your medical records or something.

    It could just be that your body is just naturally small, it may have nothing to do with being both genders and the scar could be from an operation when you was small that has nothing to do with what you are asking.

    But your parents would know, if you were or not.

  10. well if your parents were comfortable with this topic talk to them

    this is called hermaphrodite

    don't worry you'll get on in life  

  11. Ask your parents why you have a scar in your nethers.

    Don't directly ask them if you are actually male, that is bizarre.  Just ask them the reason for the scar.  I HIGHLY doubt that you are not male.

    Some men are naturally petit.  You are working yourself up with an extremely strange and really paranoid idea.

  12. Ask you parents, maybe speak to your doctor about testosterone supplements.

  13. my cousin was born both genders! Was reassighned his gender.

    The strange thing is it is usually  the parents choice as to weather your a boy or a girl!

    Any way, You didnt say how old you were.

    I was your heightuntil 19 and then sprung up and out, Still got small hands though!

    Know, the facts of the matter are you have a pair of balls, therefore your producing testosterone, so I'm pleased to anounce you are a man!

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