
If I were having...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm I were having McDonald's, 6 big bags of potato chips, 9 beef jerkys, 13 boxes of cheeze, 24 cans of Coke and 7 dishes of pizza. What would that be consider of?




  1. a FAT basta-rd

  2. may be having some small party


  4. Who eats beff jerky and "Cheeze"? i hope someone is helping you eat that.

  5. An eating binge?????  Planning on purging afterwards?

  6. dinner party for friends watching football all boys hope you got paper plates

  7. Pure unadulterated  greed

  8. Someone with absolutely no common sense at all ... as evidenced by the fact that you even had to ask the question at all.........

  9. gross

  10. someone who wants diabetes or a heart attack

  11. a very hungry person?

  12. Cancer...obesity...Mcdonalds is proved to have cancer causing agents in their potatoes. and everyone knows you can become obese.

  13. munchies...
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