The thing is that i just wonder if i were born in different social status for example i am middle-class now with a great life. If i were born gipsy in a very very poor family in the very low class (3rd life) enivornemnt would I have the chance to become what i am now?! The question would be to a what degree does the social enivorment influcene you and to a what degree can you change your social environment. It is easy to be born in a rich family. You have money,friends,social status, people do not have any prejudices. If you are born gipsy your whole world is f****D up! How do you realize all that when your childhood is fillled up with misery? how do you get out of there to be normal citizen? I mean is it fear that i have what i have? do i have it because im smart?!? NO! chance? Is it all about chance? I mean yes we do make our lives it's not a chance , we use our brains to make our lives but this is from our view, just imagine 15 years of your live in a 3rd life environment?