
If I were to ask you to plan your perfect weekend, what would it be?

by Guest62910  |  earlier

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Rock Climbers, Sky Divers, Swanks, etc. - are all excluded from answering this one! ;o)




  1. does sea fishing count cuz I can think of no better way than catching then cooking fresh fish on a barby on the beach  specialy if you are with the best company of someone you love ...YEA!!

  2. Paradise,sheer and utter Paradise.

  3. Chuck everyone out of the house and get in a tub of Ben and Jerrys.

  4. Walking around quaint old villages, looking through markets, antique fairs and walking through countryside stopping for a picnic. Then home to my own bed.

  5. I would start walking in a random direction (with a map and essential items so I don't get into trouble) and just wander around, aimlessly and enjoy what's around me, maybe draw some stuff but generally just have a good time. (Or I would just have two really lazy days and sleep in till 10 to get a really good sleep!)

  6. A "Power Cut" would be very nice I would sit back and enjoy the show

    Any news on the rent

  7. reading graham nortons obituary in the sunday papers

  8. Be at the beach with my wife and son.

  9. mastering kung fu in 2 days.Ü

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