
If I were to die today what happens to my website does it get shut off after a time of long inactivity?

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If no relative or friend attends your website or email does it just stay on forever?




  1. Depends. My website is autodrafted from my credit card, but since they won't have that anymore, I'm sure the site would be gone. However, it seems that you can 'live forever' on myspace. My friend AJ died a little over two years ago now and his myspace is still up... the last comments posted right before he died. As far as I know, no one is maintaining it.

    I think it depends on who you have the site with. Some places comb through and get rid of inactive sites after so long.

  2. Depends on the service you have, free email accounts have a clause that means you have to log in every (insert period of time here) to keep the account active, most (free) website hosts have a similar contract.

    If you pay for it, and they continue to get paid (unlikely as upon yor death your bank account (once probate has been granted) would be passed to your solicitor or executor to deal with, and they (should) work through your direct debits and close them all.

    I've often wondered what happens to the funds held in Paypal type accounts when people die, I mean, who thinks about online funds, and who else knows your password ?

  3. it will stay until ur membership expires XD

  4. If its a paid host, it will expire as you have not got any money left after a while. if its a free host, they will cut you off if you don't get enough traffic.

    Also GMail and Hotmail stay forever.

  5. There is no one rule. I know of a political website that was getting a lot of hits and stayed live for 3.5 years after it was paid for. The hosting service took it down as an election came near, because the host had no legal right to effectively donate this service, that would have violated campaign funding rules.

    But the reason the site was taken down was that someone challenged its being unpaid, so a contribution not listed by the party.

    This demonstrates that political parties can leave sites up, unpaid, as long as nobody complains.  Same for your site unless the host wants the space or wants to stop the traffic.

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