
If I were to ditch being a Bombers supporter, who should I barrack for instead?

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I am hoping that you guys will get your brains working and give me some really substantial reasons as to why I would barrack for your suggested club - telling me how great the club is won't be enough to convince me!

BA to whoever is most converts me or comes closest to doing so :)




  1. I am assuming you live in Melb therefore a Victorian team would be more practical.

    Collingwood has similar membership base so you could go for them

    I would look at the Hawks...young and exciting team. Should given plenty of joy in the next 4 years. But you don't like Franklin so not a good choice.

    I like going for the underdog therefore the Demon would be my choice. If any team needs support and loyalty...its the Dees

    The lower you go....the sweeter it will be when they start winning.

    I must admit in feeling a twang of sympathy and excitement for them yesterday in the first half


  2. It is good that you are not switching teams and it is good that you don't intend to because loyalty is what counts the most.

    If you were to switch... (which you aren't) you should switch to the Bulldogs as they are a young team who are fresh and have a lot ahead for them. Every game that you would watch them it would be exciting and you would enjoy them winning....

    and i am not bias... i dont follow them

  3. Go for the Melbourne Storm

  4. you just cant dump your team because they are not doing well if that were the case then the tigers will not have any supporters

  5. Adelaide Crows cos i do lol

  6. I would loose all the respect I have for you if you change teams,  your club is down but not out, stick with them  while they are down and when they progress   the joy and the pleasure  will be satisfying indeed

    also congratulations on being a top contributor

  7. Easy answer,   never ever switch teams.

    Stick by your team, only then shall you know real Ecstasy when they win another flag.  If you swapped teams you wouldn't feel that feeling as a johnny come lately,   something tells me you would never change anyway.

    i would give football away if there was no tigers to support, check out the word support,  some day i will feel that winning feeling again as i have 5 times personally b4,   it will be worth the wait and by crikes i have waited.

  8. Sorry, but with a mentality like that, I'd rather you not come to my team to be one of our 'supporters'

    TRUE supporters stick to the ONE team, through good times and bad.  They don't just jump off the wagon because the team is having a lull patch.  It's part of the loyalty, love, ecstasy and sometimes pain, that comes with being a true supporter.

    TRUE supporters are the lifeblood of their team.  They're PAID UP members, not just spectators.  Any team can have 50,000 'supporters'  If none are paid members, it counts for jack.

    I've literally travelled from one side of this country to the other to watch my team win and lose.  We might go through the next 50 yrs not winning another flag, but rest assured as a TRUE member and supporter, I'll be on the side lines either way

  9. I have to admit I'm a tad disappointed that you're thinking of switching clubs.   I know it can be hard.   h**l.    I barrack for Carlton!   But the victories are all the more sweeter when they do happen.

    I don't care if I don't get the points for this.   Please don't turn your back on the Bombers just coz they're going through a rough patch.

    Edit.   I'm glad you were joking!   You had me worried there for a minute!

  10. the dockers :) Only coz we are the most passionate afl team. The supporters really back the team and don't change! If you decide Freo i guarantee that you will never change again. I've stuck by their side for 5 years straight regardless if they lost!

    But i really think you should back essendon coz once you are on their side your meant to be there through thick and thin!

    goodluck choosing... :)

  11. lm sure you love the bombers ...but if you had to change go for the bulldogs as there an up and coming team and dont brag like collingwood does when they win games or sook when they lose and blame the umpire all the time..same old storie ..go doggies...

  12. oooooh no no no no no no no no NO!!!

    I could try and tempt you to swap teams and barack for the team I do ... ( GAWD knows they need as much help as they can possibly get)

    BUT ... come on .. stick by your team ... no matter what ...The Bombers have a Brilliant and fascinating History .. and have been a massive part of the Football story .. .and are one of my favourite teams .. and YOU can't just be a fair weather fan and support them when they are doing well ..

    They will come good again .. so PLEASE DON'T CONVERT TO ANY OTHER TEAM

    Jen ( knows about down seasons as she supports the Dees )

  13. You're not much of a supporter, you wanna switch teams, just because your teams doin c**p this year. If you wanna switch teams, why don't you go to the Cats? Altho if they start losing you might switch again hey?

  14. Broncos or Cowboys.

  15. You should never change your team! Stick with them through and through! If you were to change though, I'd go for Collingwood because it's the greatest feeling when when we win a game after everyone stirring us and calling us toothless bogans! Just think about it: Blockbuster games almost every week, a large supporter base, plenty of money and great facilities. GO THE BLACK AND WHITE!

  16. How about the new Gold Coast team

  17. Sorry, but you can't ditch the bombers because they are going through changes.

    I would not even contemplate making any suggestions,  as the bombers are part of you like a limb.

    The only reason you could barrack for another team, is if the club spontaneously combusted, and you needed to fill the void. A sporting club is like a marriage, I guess, without the romance.

  18. NO please dont! this makes me wana many people are giving up faith in bombers, the thing is they wern't expected to finsih top 8 with 20 ppl under the age of 21!!!!

    but lets pretend your question was:

    "im new to afl what is a good team to follow"?


    The best team to follow at the moment would be the kangaroos, they play extremely well despite being underated, they do not have too many stars in their team but are still top 4 competitors. THEY NEVER GIVE UP FIGHTING e.g. the match against geelong on friday night

    but pleaseeeeee do not give up faith guys were getting there.....

  19. If you were to give up on the Bombers, I recommend that you should barrack for Brisbane, Sydney, Crows, Port, WCE or Dockers. That way you wouldn't have to put up with the disappointments of following a Victorian team.

    If you were to go for a Melbourne team, make sure it is not Collingwood. They promise the world but provide nothing because they always get the Colliwobbles!

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