
If I were to drive a car in space at ...?

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If I were to drive a car in space at the speed of light, then turned on my headlights, what would happen?




  1. You wouldnt be able to see the lights

  2. you can't drive a car in space you wouldn't go anywhere because the car is not on a surface.

  3. Einstienian physics says you'd have no lights as you would be moving at the same speed as the photon particles.

    But if you have a car you can drive in space then that assumes your headlights would work normally and the beams would shine out before you.

  4. at the speed of light time slows down, say for instance you go so fast that everything seems frozen in place. think like if your driving on the freeway and your going 95 mph and someone else is only going 55mph or whatever, you would pass them at a rate to where they would seem like they are going extreamly slower then they are or they would seem to be standing still. but to your question if you were going the speed of light and you hit your headlights you wouldnt see any lights because you would be going so far the light couldnt aprear because the light particles couldnt aprear (or whatever) fast enough for you to see, it may even be that if you hit your head lights the lights would show up but in a straight lazer like style that would show up behind you in normal time, so you wouldnt see it but it would possibly show up to normal time as two straight lines with no source. just thinking out loud probably impossible but hey, ive never read einsteins theory so i wouldnt know, i just have mental calculations to go on :D.

  5. I don't know what would happen with the headlights, but when you got back to earth you'd be younger than your peers.

  6. same thing which would happened here the light would appear although it would be still. the speed would slow the light particles down. so it lik laser where u can acutlly see the light.

    P.S  Doug: imagine a rocket. if u can't imagine how the usa got to the moon, accordin to ur theory they would blast up then freez in space

    What: spoken lik a true blonde. and if a hot guy is in the car the car will go even faster.

  7. Well this would depend if the car was red.  If it was then you would go faster because we all know red cars go faster.

    By the way I am not blonde!!!  I am a however a red head.  Does that make me a hot head?    LOL

    By the way just because you are in space doesn't mean you can exceed the speed limit.  However if you still insisted on driving so fast I would suggest making sure you put the windows up or it might be a bit windy.

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