
If I were to go to Canada, would I get hassled?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not any time soon, but if I were to go right now, would the locals hassle me because of the war in Iraq? And because of our reputation at large, even if I was minding my own business?




  1. haha okay, well I live in canada so I would know.

    no you won't nessesarily get 'hassled' but a lot of people like to over exaggerate the fact that your american.  no one will bug you about the war, so don't worry. unless you somehow bump into a group of hardcore hippies, and they find out that your from the US.

    anyways, hope this answers your question.

  2. Not at all. Canadians might pity you for living in the states and not Canada, but they wouldn't harrass you at all!

  3. I presume you are American. You would probably just disappear into the crowd.

  4. There is no reason for anyone in Canada to hassle you.  They probably won't even know you're foreign.

  5. people don't care what nationality you are unless your gonna make a big deal about it

  6. I cannot imagine any Canadian hassling you. Besides being pretty accepting of multiculturalism, most Cdns are very laid back when it comes to stuff like this.

  7. No, no, and no.  Canada may not have supported US in the war against Iraq, but American dollars are as welcome in Canada as that of any other tourist.  Enjoy!

  8. People probably wouldn't even know you were American. And even if they did, you wouldn't get hassled. We know the difference between the reputation that the US government has wrought and individual US people. Sure, biofuel-related food shortages, war, etc. aren't popular things here, but you didn't personally do that. And I think just about everyone in the country looks at it the same way.

  9. Yes, if you plan on running your mouth off about Canada's soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq.   You won't only get hassled, but tarred and feathered as well.

  10. No way....we have so many people from different countries here that you would just blend right in.  No one really notices anyone of different colour or if they wear their pajamas outside.  Irt really doesn't matter.  Especially if you go to Toronto, Ontario. Cultures are very diverse there.  Small towns, perhaps you may get some glances.   Are you from Iraq?  This is a beautiful interesting country to visit.  Bring your money and spend it here...we like  Nothing like tourists to help build the economy

  11. We are known as being nice people so of course not.

    We love Americans, just not Bush.

  12. naw, only if  you pass out from drinking our

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