
If I were to have millions of dollars, is it my responsiblity to support my family?

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If I were to have $30 million dollars, is it my responsibility to give each member of the family some money even though they have money of their own?

I cant help but keep thinking, what if I had millions of dollars, how would the family react if they knew. And I know my family well enough to know how they would react, they would be something like, "If you have money, you have to support the family!", and I find that somewhat irritating when I picture them saying that.

Am I suppose to support the family if I had lots of money? or do I only support if I want to?

and by family, I mean aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.




  1. You could do a number of things that would help everybody ,

    # 1. create a business that would continue to make an income and have the family work it.

    # 2 offer to help in a smaller way,assistance with buying a car,offering something special.

    # 3.don't let them get to you,

    after all it was you that returned those entry forms and not them to win the contest.

    i had money,came from a poor family,spent a lot on everybody to try and spread the wealth,

    it got thrown in my face that i missed this person or that she got that and i didn't get squat .

    invest it in the future and let them all profit from it by working to keep it steady.

    i bought my mother a house,and my sister a car,my nieces and nephews all bikes and clothes,my brother needed medicine and food,

    gee, i was the bad guy because i didn't buy my sister a house too.

    i also opened 3 balloon decorating and supply stores and offered the entire family training and jobs decorating weddings and events.

    only my brother took me up on my offer.

    as of this week i have deleted all but my brother from my contact list.

  2. In the unlikely event that you receive $30 million, you can start making the decisions then. Right now, you don't have to distribute your money. And if they think you do, tell them to wait until you have the $30 mil.

  3. No. You are responsible for only your immediate family.  

  4. That would irritate me too.

    Maybe just support your mom and dad since they raised you

    but your aunts/uncles would have their own kids to support them right?

    Thats a bit rude to demand money just because you are related.

  5. I would take care of my family..the ones who live with tons of community work..developing programs and grants for varies children's issues and more.

  6. well im sure their are people that do

    expect a family member who is rich

    to help support them but no you wouldn't

    need to support anyone unless you were

    married husband/wife or your kids. but

    alot of family members aren't like that and

    don't expect anything.  

  7. Thats so weird, me & my boyfriend were talking about that just the other day only is was more like what if we won the lotto (jackpot).

    And we came to the conclusion that its our family yeah, but

    this is what we would do

    I'd buy my mom a house & car

    he'd buy his dad a house & car

    and brothers and sisters would depend on how much they used to annoy me lol j/p depends how old they are but I' take care of them too.

    and we'd get CLOSE friends/family only an apartment or something but not buy it just help em out a bit like pay the first few months rent , they would have to get a job and pay the rest.

    we arn't greedy and wont turn out backs on anyone  but we aren't gonna support everyone either. And we know what it's like to struggle so we are willing you give a helping hand.

    Other than that if we got it they got it, you know like "mi casa tu casa" (My house is your House). but only for those who are CLOSE to us.

    Distant Family like cousin marry  and uncle John who lives States away and we only see on holidays NO.Even Aunt sand and cousin Sam down the street, NO. They can get a job! Mom and Dad, Yeah because they supported us, raised us and  because they deserve it =) but if they would constantly  bug you about supporting the rest of the family, I'd get em a house far away from me lol =)

  8. If they are fine and can support themselves, no. But if they are needing help, yes, that is what families are for. We have helped out family (we are not millionares by any means). But usually it is closer family like siblings, parents, etc. But I have told people no, because of wanting to use the money for vacations, or other things like weddings. Plus, I only give to each person a few times (except for my in-laws who are in their 80s). That way they don't beome dependent on us. We are there to help in emergencies, not for their back-up money source. But ultimetly... it's your money, your choice. Do what you think is right.

  9. Only if they would do the same for you

  10. At 30 million Id be taking very close notice of what my bank says to me (several banks).  If you  don't  then you might find that the first big beneficary is the taxman.

    If you are Filipino then the pressure to give to all will be HUGE. (Which technically will also be subject to tax by the way)

    The best gift you could give is a small regular income from the interest earned on a part of your fortune. (I said 'part of')

    With that kind of money you should never need to touch the principal amount. You wont have 30 million, you will have the interest that 30 milion makes for you.  At least, that the better way to look at it.

  11. It is not your responsibility to take of people that are not your dependents.  I'm sure they would want money but you are not obligated to give any aunts/uncles/cousins any money.

  12. You're not obligated to pay anyone anything if you didn't want to, especially those who aren't in your immediate family. Ethically speaking, if they really were in dire need of cash, I'd hope you'd reconsider your stance. Otherwise, no. It's your money. You worked for it and you shouldn't have to give it out to anyone, especially if they didn't work for it.

  13. umm hoenstly, its your do what you bwant with it...i wouldonl help themout ike when its aorund holidays or birthdays...jst as gifts

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