
If I were to start a company, which would I have more success at, Skateboard or Mountain Board Company?

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Im asking it in the snowboard category because these are the two sports they do in the summer




  1. skateboard! you will have more success! the skating industry is very big right now. almost every kid here has a skateboard. they don't even sell mountain boards around here anymore. since skateboards are getting expensive, many people are buying decks from new companies. this is causing many companies to form. right now would be a good time to start one, and then maybe switch to mountain boards when it gets less popular in 9 years or so.

  2. How about a store that has both.  People will come in to get skateboarding gear and see the mountain boarding and want to try it.  I want to try mountain boarding but no one around me does it.

  3. skateboarding is a really big industrie right now but mountainborading is very small right now but i think it will gain popularity....i suggesting being a skateboard and mountain board company

  4. you will get so much more business with skateboarding...i agree a shop that sells both would also be good as it would really increase the use of mountain boards. over the years youd probably have an increase inmountain board sales as time goes on as more people try it.

    another sport that snowboaders doin the summer that you may also want to offer some services on is Sandboarding (only if youre near dunes)

    good luck!

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