
If I were to take high school online would my parents teach me or do they teach me online?

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Both my parents work full time, and I've got a lot of health issues and I think homeschooling would be the best option fore me. But if I were to register online would they teach me online or would one of my parents have to sacrifice their job (which they would never be willing to do)?




  1. You would be taught online.

  2. you can do it online . however if you parents wanted to teach you they could but it sounds to me like you need to do it online .

    i do homeschooling online also .

    i do something called ohva but thats only in ohio and i doubt you live here lol . but there is usually something called treca you can take from your school or pace . good luck .

  3. First off, I am so sorry for your health problems and wish you returning health.

    At your age, your parents do not need to teach you, no matter what form of homeschooling you prefer.

    Check out various methods here:

    All the best.

  4. You work through the material on your own much like completing homework. My high school sons work almost completely independently. I help only when needed. I might read a English paper and give my opinion. I check in with them to make sure they are completing assignments.

    You might want to find a mom with young kids who stays at home where you could go an hang out while doing your work during the day. If you did this a couple of times a week, it would help you from getting lonely. A friend of my son's does this because her mom works all day.

    Here is a list of states that have free online programs that you can work through independently.


    Best of Luck!


  5. My niece home schooled, and she did all the work herself, but because she was a minor her parents were involved.  However, they both worked, and she was responsible to do all the work on her own.  I think her mom had to take her somewhere for finals, but she passed everything, even finishing early!

    Check with your on line source, I don't think so, just my guess though.

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