
If I were to take on the role of a sales manager how much should I be paid for meeting sales objective?

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Basically, I'm taking on a new role as a sales manager and I'm not sure what fair compensation would be. I would be the sales manager of a team of four and our quarterly sales objective is currently $490,000 which in the state they are in, that amount is very optimistic. There is less than two months to go in the quarter.

It's a four year old company, and they are needing a hero, I have the skills and ability to succeed in this role and I very well could be the person they are looking for.

They are a little strapped for cash right now but they do have potential.

I need some advise from someone who really knows how to handle a situation like this. So put yourself in my shoes and walk me though how you would handle it.





  1. You put your finger on the main core: HERO

    What you want to do is get comprensated for what you are about to do for them. Therefore yo want more base pay, higher expense account, more perqs, and an override -- commission on all sales by your sales force, with bonuses on reaching certain objectives.

    At the same time, keep your ears open to outside offers. Not that you will jump ship -- right away -- but any interest in you from compeitition can be used in negotating more money. If you are good, there will come a point when they will throw up their hands and offer you a piece of the COMPANY. Until then, insist on getting a piece of the ACTION.

    Don't be greedy in pushing your own agenda, but don't be backward either.  Selling is great, isn't it? You are at the career point when commissions and rewards can grow exponentially for you every day. Just play your cards right.


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