
If I were to turn a tree upside down, would the roots turn into branches and vice-versa, or would it just die?

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So, assuming I was able to uproot a tree without damaging the roots, wash all the soil off the roots, turn the whole thing upside down and plant it again so that the branches are under the ground and the roots in the air.

Would the roots turn into branches and sprout leaves?

And would the branches that are now below the ground turn into roots and start to extract nutrients from the soil?





  2. It would die because the roots have specialized cells so they can take in water and nutrients and they can't absorb sunlight. The leaves contain chlroplasts which absorbs sunlight. No sunlight means no photosynthesis which means no glucose for the cells so it would die.

  3. it would die baby doll

  4. xD

    It would die.

    The specialised cells are suited to particular jobs, so leaves and branches can't absorb water, and roots can't photosynthesise.

  5. If I were to turn you upside down and start feeding you in your **** would you die. What do you think.

    Seriously, making a valiant effort to survive the roots would sense which way is down and try and grow downwards to the ground and the branches would sprout new shoots heading upwards in search of light.

  6. No.....It would die....

  7. the roots are "the" element that sucks water and nutrient into the tree for it to live, so I m afraid my friend, that unless unexpected breakthrough, our valiant tree would die ;_(

  8. I think it would die

    becuase each part of the tree has its own function

    and i don't think that it would be possible for it to stay alive

  9. It depends on the tree.

    Many trees would produce new roots from their branches and new branches from the trunk.

    It would be kind of like rooting a cutting.

    One method of propagating some trees os to bed a branch into the ground and keep it buries until it has rooted and sprouted new saplings, and then transplant it.

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