
If I win in silkroad will I get prize money?

by  |  earlier

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Someone said to Me that if you win silkroad you will get a big prize money,is it right?




  1. Prolly not

    Also on a side note I wanted to let you all in on a site I found a few days back

    It’s a site where you do surveys and such minimal effort ones and you get points you can redeem for items of your choice from amazon or ebay and etc

    I know theres people out there whos gonna doubt the authenticity of the site but its legit

    ^ that’s McAfee Site Advisor link it checks if a site is safe or not and it has it going directly to (that’s where they buy most of the items you claim with your points)

    I even made a Youtube video try and advertise the site some and show some testimonials of people who have shown what they have gotten

    Some tips on starting up…

    1) Make sure you use your real info when signing up if you put some bogus address how are they going to send you the items you redeem

    2) When you start to do offers make a spam email (A yahoo or gmail account) if you give your real one it will get lots of spam mail.

    3) Do the offers upfront first. Don't worry if the ones in front are all about lipstick and mascara and the offers in the back are Ferrari's and XBox's, you want to get as many points as quickly as possible - don't be fooled by "cool" looking or high paying offers.

    4) Forums there are your friend there is lots of tips and people willing to talk to you and help ya with anything you need.

    5) If you don’t get credit don’t get frustrated wait a few minutes for the site to credit and don’t automatically close the window as you finish give it 2-5 minutes before you do.

    So again heres the link

    Just sign up do some offers try it out don’t like it quit no harm done, just try it that’s all I ask.

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