
If I won the lottery, how would I help the most people possible?

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Lets say I won enough to pay my bills, Live securely for the rest of my life and took care of my family and still had plenty left over. Where could I help? Bosnia, Darfur, America?




  1. I would donate to a single organization that spreads the money globally, so I could help all of those places.

  2. What was your nick before? (i know, but, did you changed it?)

    To you question. What i would do, is to improve the community i live in. I bet,  yours, same as mine, has many problems to solve. And then, think further.

  3. Keep it at home...too many people trying to help starving kids in africa when there are starving kids in south central.

  4. Open an orphanage or some thing like that and help the needy

  5. If you actually does win,please think about poverty and give to the poor

  6. Give it to me and I'll figure it out!

  7. Charity work is always the best! :) I think its really nice of you that your saying if you won the lottery you would think about others and not just yourself!

    I think places like LEDC's, africa and asia would be good.

    Good luck


  8. this is a very good question.I guess it comes down to what is closest to your heart and who you wont to help the most!   Wouldn't we all llike to be able to do that.

  9. invest with another country besides ours. Our dollar would go a long way in those third world countries and more people are in need in places like that.

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