
If IF IF IF , Am I ready?

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If you can ride a horse, tack up a horse, can groom a horse , would be able to take care of the horse, for example cleaning the stall and feeding it, Know the name of almost every bone in a horses body, feels they know the signs of when a horse can be sick, is pretty responsible , Are you ready to own a horse?




  1. yes i think so...thats some pretty important stuff to know

  2. you may think your ready to own a horse if you know all this stuff but it might surprise you when you get one. they can be VERY difficult. i also thought that i could own a horse because i could do all of that stuff, but when i got my horse i got a rude awakening! i would recommend leasing a horse from a local stable before buying one of your own. tell the stable owner that you want to care for the horse completely by yourself to see if your ready to get your own. 9 out of 10 stable owners will be ok with sitting back and letting you do everything, only stepping in when help is needed. so i'd say lease a horse for a month or two and if all goes well then you can consider buying one. also once you get it, keep it at the stables at least for a few weeks so if you have any problems with it there will be someone there to help you. i hope this helps! good luck!

  3. just because you know all that tuff doesnt meen you can take of a horse,you also have to know somthing verry verry important

    what its likes and dis likes are...

    i own a horse

    his name is Yukito

    i love him alot and he loves me

    and i know that how you may ask

    because when i was sick in the hospital every time he saw a girl with long brown hair he would get exited andjump around

    unfortunatly i wasnt able to see him for a long time,but en i did he was so happy and so was i i emisdiatly rode him,and in the end ended up sleeping in his stable that night,his mother Molly died last year and i was like her daughter,i miss her but i know i have her wonderful son by my side

    my whole point of this is you may know all that stuff but if your horse,but if you dont really know your horse,you cant take care of them

  4. you have to be able to pay for vet, farrier, fencing, barn, hay, feed it, water it, and everything else and have the money, yes, you are. let the horse be with you.

  5. Sounds like your as ready as can be. There is only one way to find out. Just one piece on advice.

    Horses will defy all your knowledge! Always! You can read every book on horses, watch every video on horses and training, and your horse will defy them all. There is only one true way to know horses, and that is dealing with a lot of horses. I can not tell you how many horse I have ridden/trained/showed because I lost count many many years ago. My father who has been training/showing successfully for over 50 years now, will admit, horses will defy what ever you have learned. The only way to really know horses is be around a lot of them. This is not an attempt to be mean or discourage you. Not one bit. It is advice for when you get your horse. The arrogant-know-it-alls are the ones who either get hurt or get some one else hurt. Always expect the unexpected with horse. If you take this advice to heart. You will have a leg up on many people who get their first horse. Luck

    Oh and get a veterinary manual, to have on hand, they are invaluable. And, get an older broke horse, 10-15 years old is great. They don't make mistakes if trained right, they will teach you on what is right and wrong, and you will also have an easy 10 years of riding  with it as well.

  6. i like RUgreene's answer...

    try it for two weeks

    if you physically know how... get one, but be responsible

  7. I owned a horse after I had been riding for one year - I had about the same amount of knowledge as you. I've always boarded, so I've had people helping me when I was clueless. I do not suggest getting a horse and keeping it at home though, for obvious reasons.

  8. You sound ready... by ride a horse... do you mean you know the basics, or you are an accomplished rider? Horse ownership is not for everyone... if you and the people you know feel that you are ready then try taking care of one for a few weeks. Also, you have to be more than 'pretty responsible'... you have to be extremely responsible... you can't just decide to blow your horse off for a movie..

    I honestly can't tell if you're ready for a horse, I don't think any of us can unless we personally know you.. but you do sound like you would be up to the challenge, Good luck.

    edit: I just read the part about moving to a horse property.. horses are herd animals, they need someone else to be in the paddock with them, so investing in a donkey or a mule would be invaluable when you move. Also, when you have a horse on your property, you have to have proper fencing, you need to check the field/paddock for poisonous plants... maintaining a horse property is a lot of work.

  9. Sounds great and you sound like you'd definately know what to do. I'd definately suggest leasing a horse even if it's like for just one month and i would gradually start getting everything you'll need (first aid stuff, tack, ect.) that way you dont have to buy it the day you buy your horse. Make sure you'll be able to afford all the expenses and GOOD LUCK im sure you'lll do wonderful you sound like a responsable pet owner especially because you are so worried about being ready or not. Best wishes!

  10. well you gottat start sometime!

  11. I'd lease first and see how that pans out.

    At least then if you decide it's too much or your parents say it's too costly...the horse still has the same home it started with.

  12. Take full care of one for 2 weeks and see how it goes.

  13. Sounds like you're ready....but are you ready to take on the financial part of it, if the horse needs medical attention?

  14. It would seem that you would be ready. Try leasing one, and see how it goes. If you can handle the lease horse, you should be able to handle your own horse.

  15. I think there is a good possibility you are, but you just need to get it first and see what happends

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