
If Im short what do I audition for?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I am an actress, I am taking classes, I am building up my resume, and all that. I was wondering, though since I am short what age range should I be auditioning for? I am 14 but I am 4 foot nine and seventy pounds.

Will my agent tell me what age range I should audition for?

Please answer!




  1. You being short doesn't really matter as long as your good at what you do, I'm really tall and sometimes I get a part and they have to find a tall guy for me...but I dont really see where you will have a problem, it might even help because they will be able to cast you as a child.

  2. It depends on ,one, your phisycal features. Do you look as developed as a 14 year old? Also, how big or small can you change your voice to fit any part. A LOT of it depends on the play so research other showings of the play to see how other actors did it. Do the play your most interested in and have fun with it! It depends on how you ACT not how you look. Hope I helped!

  3. Well, hopefully you'll be able to grow a little bit since there is still some teenage years left. But, depending on what your voice pitch, you could go as a child as young as maybe 8-9 but you could still probably audition for anything you'd want and hope you can get it!

    Good luck!

  4. the question is NOT how short u r but how old you look. if u look younger than 13 go for the 9-12 group, if you look ur age go for the 13-15 group, if you look 16 go for the 16-19 group. ur agent should answer any questions you have, good luck!

  5. First of all I have the same problem. Im 14, 90lbs and im 4'11.

    Power to the people.

    I just go for role my age or a couple years younger. Just explain to them that you are short so you can do a variety of roles.

  6. Shouldn't be a problem. Ever see Kristin Chenoweth? She is the same height as you. But she's 39. She still opened Wicked. Short people can do anything! (that said, I'm six foot!)

  7. for al the info u need to know go to and

    and search the whole site for everythig it wont pup up infront of u

    but take classes do plays and join the drama club build your resume and get an agent

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