
If India had only one language and one culture, how different India would be? ?

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  1. The beauty of INDIA lies in the diversified culture. There is immense wealth of secrets lying in the various cultures. The challenge lies in uniting these people who speak different language, of different culture and values, different goals.

    But the language is the one that is putting the people of INDIA apart. The people from different states can't understand each other even though they call themselves as INDIANS. In first place, they can't be identified as INDIANS at the first glance unless otherwise they speak-up themselves and identify themselves as INDIANS. It is really tough for a leader to understand the feelings and sentiments of the people and modulate in his/her speech. The worst is we have to use a foreign language (english) to communicate among the INDIANS. Though this is advantageous on the international front, it is shame that we have to use this for communicating among we INDIANS.

    INDIA would be in a much better position if they can speak the same language. To be successful as a team, one has to talk the same language with a common goal. INDIA lacks that compared to some of the successful countries like Germany, France, Japan, China, Italy, Korea, ........................

    This is not something that cannot be achieved. Everything is possible if we have the determination to change.

    So the challenge lies on the people of INDIA.

    Here's is my thought how this could be achieved. We need to have 1 party to govern every state which is also governing the nation (central government). In addition, we need to have a leader who has the vision

    to take INDIA to be leading nation and not sell INDIA, its people and its values to other countries who call themselves as super powers.

  2. WOW.nice dream!any how imagination things like this kind of little crazy.

  3. very very boring.

  4. If INDIA wouldhave one language there maybe few roits, Politions may have to find another way to get votes. But India would lose uniqueness which is its grace,Overall India would very different than now what it is.

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