
If Intelligent life is ever found on another planet?

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Will the whole God and Jesus Christ debate end?




  1. No but you can bet they will find evidences in the Bible to support other planets and races.  

  2. No. Why would that matter.  

  3. Of course not.  Like everything else, they would deny it no matter how much proof science has.

  4. Sadly no. The religious would just try and change their dogma to incorporate this new information, some would deny it, and some would say that they knew all along. Christians would at the least say it doesn't matter about their salvation, nevermind that they based their life's on a book that said that we were the only things out here.

  5. missionaries rejoice at the perspective.

  6. No. Chances are that if that point is ever reached, the debate over religion will have already ended beforehand. But if it hasn't, then finding intelligent life probably won't cause it to end immediately, although it may hasten the end somewhat.

  7. If, by intelligent life, you mean those capable of thinking, however primitively, then yes. Some Bacteria are found in space.

  8. Why should it?  After all, Jesus said,"I have other sheep not of this fold."  But its pointless to debate along this line, intelligent life  in another planet may yet be another of science's "Missing Link."

  9. God created the heavens and the earth. If he created earth he created the universe.

  10. Why would it God created the universe and all that is in it.Plus my beliefs are not up for debate.

  11. Maybe there will be life on another planet-- but not our kind of intelligence: just different.

    It will have evolved differently.

    In which case, Christian Theology will not be part of their culture.


  12. Well, religous people would try to convert or kill the aliens.

  13. No

  14. Evidently NOT< since we are having trouble finding intelligent life on THIS planet!

    There IS no debate about Jesus being God. He said He WAS and still IS. You either believe it or you don't.

    Believers go to heaven and enjoy His presence residing within, and unbelievers go to h**l and live for themselves.

  15. Not likely, but I also could see all new religions being formed or at least new denominations incorporating the information and finding Bible verses to substantiate it...

    BTW, not 'if',  when...

  16. Not likely, I would expect that believers would interpret some vague scripture as though it predicted such and then assert that the discovery should be considered evidence that confirms their cults beliefs.

  17. I am a Christian, who also wants to be an astronaut.  I think it would be great to have aliens, but it wouldn't really affect religion.

    Oh, it would change it, but will it end, absolutely not.

  18. Only if they greet us with 'Welcome and may the blessings of Jesus, the Son of God be with you'.


  19. God created the heavens and the earth. I don't know if there is life on any other world or not. But I know that if there is, it is created by the same God who made me.

  20. 2 Thessalonians 2:9 The man of sin will come with the power of Satan. He will use every kind of power, including miraculous and wonderful signs. But they will be lies.

    This is what the Bible tells us about the anti-christ. It says that everyone except for God's people believe the lie. So yeah. I do think that they will play the alien card. I think they aliens will be satans little helpers--demons.  This would explain this scripture in the Bible also:      

    Mat 24:9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.  

    The anti-christ will also promise peace. Here is what the Bible tells us about that:    Daniel 8:25   And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart , and by peace shall destroy many .

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