
If Iran attacked Israel how would Obama respond (if he is President at the time).

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Who has faith in Obama's foreign policies?




  1. He would do whatever it takes to protect Israel. The reason he would is because is the same reason any president would, it is in our countries best interest. If any president was in office and refused to act he would be impeached. As with all politians their political future is important to them and they will act according to that.

  2. i believe he would respond by ordering up some popcorn and turning on CNN for the latest news.  

  3. He would do the smart thing and let Iran take over Israel. We then would have to hear about their misery anymore.

    I'm sick of Israel and their right to exist. Nobody has a right to exist. You have to earn it.  

  4. Isreal would be gone.  Obama and his church have been quite open about supporting Iran-backed Hamas and the Hamas Charter that calls for the destruction of Israel as well as publicly stating that the USA supports state terrorism against the Palestinians.  Obama believes Israel is a terrorist state.

    Don't fool yourself that this is propaganda.

  5. Hypothetical questions get dumb answers.  Hopefully, he would do the best thing for all Americans.  I'm pretty sure what Bush would do, and I'm afraid that is more likely to happen and he would have us involved in another war!

  6. Israel would destroy Tehran before the US knew it happened. Israel has a powerful military.

    Iran has never attacked another country. Iraq attacked Iran during the 80s, when Iraq still had a military, and Iran barely achieved a stalemate.

  7. He would most likely shake his finger and have congress draft a condemnation...the end.

  8. Why don't you ask him?

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