
If Iran gets nuclear capability, will they use it to launch nuclear weapons at Israel?

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If Iran gets nuclear capability, will they use it to launch nuclear weapons at Israel?




  1. Iran has already said it will wipe Israel and the US off the map. The 3rd world's largest oil supplier says they have to have nukes for power plants... or rather power?

    If Israel attacks and kills millions? Iran looks at it...well millions went to heaven with Allah... no big deal. Which makes them dangerous.

  2. No if they did develop it would be used as a deterrent to invasion, for defensive purposes just like all the other countries

  3. you bet ye.

  4. I would hope not, they after all know what would happen if they did. Israel has nuclear weapons for decades. They did threaten to use them before against Jordon and Syria.

    Syria's president years ago said, "It would be foolish of any state to attack Israel as they have nuclear weapons to strike if provoked and they did threaten my father with nuclear Holocaust in the Sixties."

    For some reason them lines are never mentioned by many people.  

  5. Probably. But first they would give one to the terrorists for use against the USA. And don't forget, the crazy faction of the Muslim religion also hates Europe and other civilized countries. They want to kill us all. God told them to do that.

  6. I think that is to late. If that would happen .That is the end of the world.

    Because the american police state will not leave it alone and end it all

  7. No one knows but Israel isn't going to wait to find out

  8. Just as sure as I'm writing this answer. But fear not... Israel will launch a preemptive strike before that happens.

  9. They are running nuclear reactors to provide energy for their country.

    Running a nuclear reactor does not mean that they are producing nuclear weapons.  

    Please educate yourself about the difference.

    Also, Israel has plenty of nuclear weapons of their own and they will retaliate if attacked.

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