
If Iran invaded Canada and Mexico, would you want the U.S. to have nuclear weapons?

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Maybe this explains how Iran feels?




  1. 1.  I don't care how Iran feels.

    2.  I am not stupid enough to believe that Iran tells the world the truth.  The tenets of Islam say it's just fine to lie to anybody in order to further there cause of jihad, so anyone who believes anything Iran says is simply announcing his own idiocy.  Iran's track record speaks for itself.

  2. Yes.  I do not want our defense lowered in any way.  That's one of the reasons I could never vote for Obama.  

    Russia does have a missile that can reach us.

  3. No. And how is that supposed to happen? How would Iran transport an invading army across the oceans without a Navy?

  4. I am sure.  I mean what do you expect we invaded their neighbors to each side of them.  Called them part of the axis of evil, basically told them "you're next and we don't want to talk to you" India and Pakistan both have nuclear weapons, I mean with neighbors like that! Right now Pakistan has nuclear weapons and they have just overthrown the government the country is fighting in the streets.  I mean it is so close to being taken over by the terrorists and we are not even talking about it? Geeze it scares me.

  5. Iran doesn't invade countries, just because the US does it doesn't mean every other nation on the planet does. By your logic Iran should have nuclear weapons because their neighbours were invaded.  

  6. My goodness, are you all too dumb to understand a hypothetical?

    Yes, putting it that way makes it understandable why Iran is seeking nuclear weapons. But I think diplomacy and economic aid can foster greater stability in the Middle East than nuclear threats ever could. Israel very likely has the bomb, but the Middle East is not a bipolar situation, it can't be compared to the Cold War, where mutual assured destruction did provide stability.

  7. If Iran invaded Canada, we'd burn down their capital too.

  8. iran invade mexico AND canada ...LOL

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