
If Iran makes a nuclear weapon, and destroys Israel, will people blame the United States for not stopping Iran

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I've seen a lot of people on here refer to the US as the biggest terrorists in the world. And that we push everyone else around. But I have a feeling that if hundreds of thousands of people die from an Iranian nuke, People will say that the US should have stopped them from getting the weapon.




  1. nukes wont be the problem. food is it. farms and farmers are fading out and bleeding hearts and useless enviromentalists will get their jollies saying what a wonder world if we only had food.

  2. No.

    Don't think so.

    Decode this lyrics " Another day in paradise"

    Will be the greatest embarassment of the century among the dirty dozen themselves.

    With the same blunders and slip-ups with human errors in nailing the wrong man to the cross with their self lack of knowledge.

    While we celebrate with " Celebration"

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  3. Damned if you do and damned if you don't..I would like to think we would err on the side of caution.

  4. US is doing more than most other countries in trying to pressure Iran to withdraw from its nuclear weapons plan.

    It's countries like Russia and China that blocks sanctions against harsh measures, because of their interests in Iran.

    Of course, if Israel is destroyed, there won't be anyone left in Iran to blame, but that's a different story.

  5. of course they would. stupid but its the world.

  6. Absolutely we will get blamed.  It is frustrating to me as an American, that one minute the world is b*tching because we stick our nose in things that aren't our business and the next minute are begging for us to come rescue them.

    (Referring to countries such as the ones in the middle east, not the places that actually need help, like darfur)

  7. Only Americans believe it!

    America created a nuclear world, and if it doesn't want one, give up your weapons first.

    such hypocrites

    and why would Iran want to destroy Israel, because "they" told you so?

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