
If Ireland used to part of the UK and the Republic of Ireland left...?

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...that was their choice, right? and the people of Northern Ireland decided to stay. Why do people always say things like "England should let Northern Ireland go" when Ireland was a British country long ago...Why don't they say, "Let Scotland go."

Sorry, I don't really know much about the siuation so can someone explain please.




  1. Gerrymandering was an issue to keep the Protestants in power not to decide whether to be in the UK or not. That choice was not really given however if the majority wanted it now they would most likely be able to get it but they don't want it. Scotland are actually considering leaving at the moment

  2. ***long sigh***

    It wasn't as easy as the Irish government saying to the British government 'Yo, we're fed up with the whole UK thing, we're leaving'.

    If it was as easy as that we would not have had the 1916 rising and other such cases.

    Years of fighting, planning (talks, protests, rebellions etc), and negotiating went into even getting the British government to even consider letting us be free.

    Ok then; Back in the 30's, 40's, 50's... Northern Ireland was 'gerrymandered' so Protestants had the majority vote in all voting districts. This meant that the NI government was all protestant which lead to Catholics being discriminated against. Because Prods were in power they didn't have a vote to decide to leave the UK.

  3. Got it all wrong,,, Ireland is now adays part of the U.K (United Kingdom) of England,,, as a whole,,, The U.K consist of Wales Scottland, ireland and north Ireland,,, Ireland has been ireland since day one,, leprauchans St Patricks,,, drunks,, Catholics,,,but the british want is as part of their Country,, Like A colony,,,, so North Ireland,,, hates and resisted England the most,,, with bombs like al Queda in the 70 and 80,,, The IRA rebels from Nortern Ireland, use to cause havock,,,, and i guess their is some kind of peace treaty in effect now

  4. Ireland, the island and Country, was Occupied by a foreign entity alled the 'United Kingdon'. This occupation was a military one, and was not requested or wanted by the Irish population.   The whole country and Island resisted this occupation

    The whole country voted to be independent, but this was denied by the UK, so 6 counties on the North of the country currently remain under uk control.  This is a mere stepping-stone (albeit a loooong step) to having an all-island, all-inclusive republic.

    I think a lot of Scots want seperation from England, and an end to the united kingdom. The UK wasn't a democratically created entity anyway, unlike the EU.

    Also, I don't think there is such a thing as a British country, simply because there is not such thing as 'British'.  Substitute the word 'English' instead and all becomes clear.

  5. Because we feel the island should be part of ireland as a whole and the truth is that people in the north are divided on whether they want to be UK or ROI. Hence the military activity of the IRA and UVF

  6. NO, Ireland used to be an island of its own back 400 years ago. Then, gradually England moved in and tried to conquer the country, as they tried to do with the rest of the world. The started in the pale - which is modern day dublin. Then they moved inland more to laois and offaly. These were called plantations - this is where the english would come across the water, fight, claim the land as theirs and give the lands to Wealthy English men. The Irish clanns weren't happy about this at all. Especially the Moores and the O'Connors in Laois and offally. And other families like the Fitzgeralds in Kildare and the O'Neills always fighting, but because they were so few incomparison to the English armies they would have lost a lot of little battles here and there. You also had the Cromwellian Plantation - famous qoute - was "to h**l or to connacht. This is where Cromwell tried to send all the Irish people in ireland to the Province of Connacht - which was deemed the least fertile land of the entire Country. - Conemara is all stone like and the rest of it is bog and mountain.  You also had the nine years war where the O'neills Marched from Derry in the north to Cork in the South collecting new recruits every day, there was a big battle at the end of it. Then there was the Penal laws - where even more was taken away from the irish. There was the Rebellion in 1978.  People like, Wolfe Tone, Robert Emmet, Daniel O'Connel. Parnell all famous people around this time. Then we had the famine - Which may i add was cause by the english, it was they who introduced the potato into the country. people blame the blight but if the people hadn't depended on the potatoes soo much 2 million wouldn't have died and another 2 million wouldn't have imigrated.

    They caused soo much harm to the irish people. Then at the turn of the 20th Century. The country was feeling the tension between the catholics and the protestants. Many of the protestants fled to the north where the majority of them were living. The 1916 rising, then Michael Collins and Eamon De Velara fighting for an irish republic - there was even a civil war over it after micheal Collins Freed ireland from the UK and it became known as the Irish free state - some people didn't like it. Micheal Collins was assinated and within a few years ireland had become a republic, the north remaining in the UK because the protestants that were living there did not want to have to more. They had homes and lives there, and they were the majority too.

    Nowadays, with the troubles in the north having passed there is peace - probably for the first time in 3 or 400 years.

    As regards you're question:

    Ireland was never part of the UK. It was invaded. They tried to control the irish by taking everything away from them. After all that hardship that they caused they have no right to still claim it as theirs - especially now that it's as irish as the rest of the country. People speak the language, play GAA, play traditional irish music. It should be given back - and an apology too.

    For scotland - watch the film Brave heart. After that the Scots just gave up.

  7. ronaldo lenoys..... you are completely wrong.the republic of ireland is a seperate entitiy from the UK,it runs itself and has no rule from the UK.but northern ireland consists of 6 counties under british rule.

    well to the answerer

    ireland wasn't always part of britain,britain started planting english settlers back in the 1600s and took over the country.obviously people don't take kindly to another country taking over theirs.there was  unrest among a minority under british rule that started in the early 1900s that grew into a majority over a while and after years of fighting ireland became a republic with the exception of 6 counties in the north that are under british rule.

    but there was a lot of fighting afterwards but everythings sorted now.there's finally peace.

  8. 1 - ronaldo lenyos is completely and utterly wrong.

    2 - The republic fought (easer 1916 rising) to separate from England. Ireland was a British country long ago, because the English came over, invaded Ireland, took our land and stole our culture. They had no right to take over Ireland in the first place, and therfore have no right to rule over ANY part of it today. I have nothing against English people, but they should not be ruling any part of Ireland.

  9. The first answer, by It's fun being me is right - gerrymandering was the reason the North stayed part of the UK. Similar to how the vote was denied to blacks in the southern states of the US prior to Civil rights legislation. If it hadn't been rigged and discriminatory I doubt there would have been any But it was fixed - so there you go, the root of the problem.

    And I think the Scottish have actually said that. They aren't really big fans of the act of union from what I have heard. You may ave noticed some graffiti and the occasional t-shirt to that effect - "Scottish not British"

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