
If Is it true a modified firing pistol was used to kill Jill Dando then is it likely that a Professional;

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carried out the act///

and the guy who was released feel they will never catch the killer ,I think this chump will shoot himself in the foot ,I feel he got lucky .




  1. Most of the weapons the the UK streets come from Eastern Europe. That's what we get for letting them in here.

    They will NEVER catch Jill Dando's killer . He's well missing and could even be dead himself.

    I feel sorry for Barry George. He did not deserve to have his life ruined due to incompetent police work.

  2. either that or a PE Teacher !

  3. Believe it was an Eastern European made pistol, which ties into the idea of a revenge killing - a NATO air-strike on a Serbian TV station had just killed a woman very like Jill, very popular in her home country.  Other clues pointed to a Balkan connection, but were ignored when it was pinned on the Local Oddball.  

  4. Espionage to its clear either KGB or ex agents were sent to assassinate Jill Dando. This is why JFK, Martin Luther King, Malcom X and Black Panther leaders were assassinated because at the time the U.S was trying to assassinate Fedel Castro. Cuba aligned with USSR asked for help and the USSR used wet operations to create a racial war in the U.S while sending a warning.

    Fast forward to the present and you have these old assassins within the Russian mafia working for anyone that will pay them. Serbian agents made deals with these ex KGB assassins to give the U.K a message and thats where the professional assassination in Jill Dandos case came about.

    Dont expect the police to tell you this read between the lines and use your mind.

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