
If Islamic Law prohibits this, why does it so frequently happen?

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[note the last paragraph]

Saudi girl drinks bleach to escape marriage

Shura Council member says marriage contract violates Sharia law (File)


A 16-year-old Saudi girl drank a bottle of bleach in an attempt to commit suicide to escape a forced marriage to a 75-year-old man, press reports revealed Sunday.

The girl identified only as, Shaikha, said her father was forcing her to marry the old man so that he could marry his 13-year-old daughter in an exchange deal, Bahrain's Tribune reported.

Shaikha described how her father took her to meet the old man and his 13-year-old in a marriage office where they all had pre-marital tests done, the Tribune quoted the Saudi Gazette as reporting.

Shaikha told the paper how she begged and pleaded not to be forced into marriage but both of the men ignored her pleas.

The 16-year-old appealed to the National Society of Human Rights to intervene and stop the marriage, the Tribune said, adding Shaikha, whose parents are separated, asked to live with her mother.

Shaikha’s mother said she should be protected from her father and demanded the marriage contract be cancelled because Shaikha was threatened to marry the man, the paper said.

“Judges can punish men who force their daughters to marry like this," Sheikh Abdul Mohsin Al Obeikan, Shura Council member said, adding the marriage contract was void because it violated Shariah law, the Tribune reported.

Islamic law states that for a marriage to be legal both parties must consent. If a marriage is performed without consent or under coercion the union is considered void and must be annulled.


So why are so many young girls forced to marry old men in Islamic countries?




  1. Because there are too many sick perverts who try to pass themselves off as Muslims, this is some old Arab cultural c**p that they try to disguise as Islam. Marriage exchange c**p, they are sick evil people, right up there with people who think that female circumcision is going to purify their women, stupid stupid stupid, ignorant, evil people.

  2. It happens because those people blindly follow the actions of their prophet as an example for living their lives.

    From Muslim Hadith Bukhari,

    "...[T]he Prophet (Muhammed) said to her (Aisha), 'You have been shown to me twice in my dream. I saw you pictured on a piece of silk and someone said (to me). 'This is your wife.' When I uncovered the picture, I saw that it was yours. I said, 'If this is from Allah, it will be done.'"

    (Hadith, Sahih Bukhari 5:58:235)

    "[T]he Prophet (Muhammed) married her (Aisha) when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death)."

    (Hadith, Sahih Bukhari 7:62:64)

    "Narrated 'Aisha: 'I used to wash the traces of Janaba (s***n) from the clothes of the Prophet (Muhammed) and he used to go for prayers while traces of water were still on it (water spots were still visible).'"

    (Hadith, Sahih Bukhari 1:4:229)

  3. if it was so frequent, why it is on the news then?

  4. That's simply because of culture and has nothing to do with religion. This is very common in Pakistan and India as well as the Gulf Arab countries. Most of the time, it is done for the financial gains of the father. He would literally get his daughter married (more like sell her) to the man with the most in his piggy bank. So two things play a role here, culture and greed. And there are much more stories like that. No where in Islam does it teach this kind of bologny. Just because a country like Saudi Arabia claims that it's laws are that of Shariah, that's a load of c**p. Women can't drive or vote, and that's very unislamic. Not giving women the right to choose how her marriage is going to be or who she will marry is against the Islamic law. There is no pure Shariah law in play today.

    I knew you would get to that point. The prophet married Aisha at the age of nine (through a marriage contract) and she moved into his home at the age of thirteen. It seems like no matter how much you try to explain it, people's mind are already set because they want to find mistakes. Girls at that time (1400 years ago) already matured at the age of nine. Both my grandmothers (one is from Cambodia, not Arab) was married at the age of thirteen and had her first child at the age of fourteen, and this isn't only in the Arab culture. Last week I was over a friend's house for dinner and her aunt was telling me how she got engaged at the age of ten, married at eleven (contract), and moved into her husbands house at thirteen, and they aren't even Arab. Eleven year old boys already drive cars in the Middle East, help run the family business on their own, feed their families. It's the same in South East Asia, parts of China. Girls in America used to get married at the age of fourteen fifteen a few decades ago. Girls later began getting married at the age of eighteen, like my cousin did about ten years ago. Now to everyone even eighteen is a little too young to get married, people are getting married at the age of twenty-one or much later on. All these girls were mature, physically and mentally. No one makes a big deal of girls getting pregnant at the age of eleven and twelve while they are still in middle school. No one cares about the "kids" who go and have pre-marital s*x. But when they decide they should get married before s*x, then there is something wrong. This is the western idea. In Asia women get married very young too. In America, kids get what they want, they're not expected to cook and clean and help raise the family. It's not like that in most parts of the world. In this case which you posted, it's obviously sickening. A girl who is not matured both physically and mentally cannot get married. A girl that does not have a say in who she marries is against Islam. That's the problem these days. You're only out to look for faults, not understanding.

  5. thats because islam is backward

  6. Wow that's very sad and shocking to hear. I guess people will do anything for money.

  7. Laws are broken by people through out the world, whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims.  This life is for test of all humans and Allah will also punish those who do injustice to others in their control  if they are not properly punished in this life.

    Why do you question Muslims only.  I read in America  some mothers kill their own children, some fathers have s*x with their own daughters, step fathers often molest their wives children from previous marriage, women are forced to dance nude on stages in Nude clubs, people loose their homes mercilessly because the owner lost job and could not pay the tax to the county.  His house worth hundreds of thousands of dollars is auctioned because of his inability to pay tax on time which is only few thousand dollars. Small children disappear and are never found in America, young women are often kidnapped and murdered by men who failed to convinced such girls to sleep with them.  

    These are also severe  crimes against humanity in America.  Why don't you question crimes in USA?

  8. Thats an easy question to answer:

    Okay, so this dilemma has been happening for the past 1000 years, because some people in the middle east are extremely close minded, and prideful of their ways and old culture, that they cannot accept the fact that what they are doing is wrong, because in their mind it is considered TRADITION.

    Do you get it now?

  9. because they are not following the Islamic Law! And no wonder it's saudis...the no.1 wahabis...poor girl in the story...the father is supposed to ask the girl before marrying her to someone else..the perfect example we see in the history is of the Marriage of Ali ibn Abi Talib (as) and Fatima Zahra (sa).

  10. The circumstance of this Nikah is not according to Shariah.

    The bride has to give her acceptance to the marriage offer.

    A parent or guardian cant compel a girl to marry against her wish.

    Isolated forced marriage is done in overboard ignorance and nelgect of Shariah law.

    This situation cant be compared to what you have indirectly mentioned!?  

  11. Well even if it is tradition in some countries note that islam says that you need the permission of the women and a women cannot be forced into a marriage. Forcing a women is wrong and also the intention of marrying is because it fulfills half of our deen and this prophetic hadith says it is so  "And of His signs is this: He created for you mates from yourself that you might find rest in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy. Lo, therein indeed are portents for folk who reflect". (Quran 30:21)When a women came to the prophet because she didn't want to marry a man her parents wanted her to marry the Prophet said fine if thats what you wish...then the woman said she was testing the rights for women do have the right to have their say when it comes to marriage.

    Also i recall many couples who have different age gaps but live happily and islam doesn't limit the age other than after if people wanna get married to a person of a certain age it is not prohibited in islam but also islam states that we should follow law and justice therefore we should follow the age limits in countries.  I could very well marry a man years older than me, who has a heart of gold not a bank full of it if i wished....any probs?

  12. greedy for money slaught them all  

  13. It has got nothing to do with Islam, just because It is happening in a Islamic country you cannot automatically assume this is what is perceived as right.

    Many seem to follow their desires rather than adhering to Allah's laws, its the same reason why so many are forced to get married when one mixes culture with religion it clashes and causes confusion amongst the people.

  14. These are the people who dont read quran and hadith. They are illetrate people.

  15. Its because people have strayed, and do not increase their knowledge of islam.. people do this kind of stuff because of culture or out of ignorance.. not religion  

  16. Islam dose prohibit this thats why it's in the news and why the government is trying it's best to stop this from happening. If islamic countries allowed this then it wouldn't be in the news at all. Did you read the article “Judges can punish men who force their daughters to marry like this," Sheikh Abdul Mohsin Al Obeikan, Shura Council member said, adding the marriage contract was void because it violated Shariah law, the Tribune reported." Islamic law is trying to protect her. There are sick people out there who love money more than Islam.  

  17. cuz people mistake culture for religion...

    In Islam, a girl cannot be forced into marriage... her consent is absolutely necessary

  18. Because people ignore their religious obligations in lieu of some sort of benefit. Muslims will agree that Islam forbids marriage unless both parties agree. Unfortunately, there are so many uneducated, illiterate and corrupt individuals in this world that either don't understand or completely disregard their duties. It is sad to see these types of situations. Allah gave us free will as a test to see if we can follow his rules - some follow better than others.

  19. Wow that's scary.. for money i guess? and that's not right..

    and also i don't think its happening only in Islam, in some religion/country also has this happening..

  20. this is soo sad.. i am so speachless..

    the laws are clear it's the ppl who ought to  enforce them who are not doing the job..

    honestly i think before the woman stands up and fights for her rights and her children things won't change... now i am against feminism and am definately not suggesting that...

    but if women want to be heard they have to make a difference they can't expect the man to do it..

    this is sad because young women have their dreams shed and lives destroyed but it is a whole abuse to the system which unfortunately happens constantly in all the world's justice systems..

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