
If Israel's Defense Barrier is a d**e, would the Arabs be the sea which could burst that d**e if allowed entry

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As seawater enters through a crevice, the hole becomes wider, and then the d**e bursts since it has become weakened from within. Water tries to get through the weakest point in the d**e. Recall the words of Zeresh, Haman's wife: If thou hast [already] fallen, thou shalt surely fall! At the first sign of danger, steps must be taken to prevent any further damage!




  1. Is that supposed to be some smart question?

    the answer is maybe.


    I read your profile. Will you put something on you when I am here please?

  2. No, you see the people defending it have too much to lose.

    The Dutch d**e story is just a legend.

    AND FOR YOUR INFO, d**e is a slang term for a lesbEEan with certain qualities. Originally it was a derogatory label for a masculine or butch woman, and this usage still exists. However, it has also been reappropriated as a positive term implying assertiveness and toughness, or simply as a neutral synonym for L*****n.

  3. I'm a little troubled with likening a certain ethnicity with salt water, although the analogy does have some validity.

    I mean, saltwater is ALWAYS bad for the land.  Even fresh water, though necessary, is bad if it floods the land, though there are exceptions (e.g. the annual flooding of the Nile).  I wouldn't want to imply that Arabs are inherently harmful, like salt water; there are a lot of Arab Israeli citizens already, and I don't think they or their Jewish friends would appreciate that.  Arabs are more analogous to fresh water than salt water.

    The barrier is there to regulate the border and control, not eliminate, immigration; and to keep enemies out, of course.  

    So it is more like a dam or floodgate; it allows a certain amount to pass, depending on how much you want at the time.

  4. No,a d**e would have to burst first to allow entry of water unless the water level rose high enough to spill over the d**e. It's a wall and I don't see Palestinians gaining in population enough to spill over the wall.

    Added. OK,we can compare the crossings to floodgates if you like. That is still man maintaining control unless the water rises to too great a height. A little water control trivia,the Niagara rivers flow can be stopped, effectively turning off Niagara falls.

  5. I think the salt water would dry up real quick.  Not enough to cause much damage and easily stopped.

    The d**e isn't going to break.

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