
If Israel was the Jewish "ancestral land" why did the ancestors live in Europe

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If Israel was the Jewish "ancestral land" why did the ancestors live in Europe




  1. The Jews were there until they were conquered and dispersed through out the world (about 2000 years).

  2. Because they got kicked out of Israel, ultimately by the Romans.

    Read a history book next time.

  3. Because back a few thousand years ago the whole world was one super continent called Pangea. Thats the only way i know how to  explain it. :D

  4. God gave the Deed to Israel (Jacob) all other Nations have their Land by Conquest;

    Not so with Israel;That Land will only Produce

    for the Jews,2500 Yrs of Wandering and now in Possesion of  their Homeland;  

  5. For the same reason Christians (sons of Jesus) live in Europe,  USA, Africa and so on.

  6. because Jews were forced into the Diaspora  

  7. Most of them are descendents of central asians who converted around the 8th century.  

  8. ughhh

    well did u ever hear of a man with the name of hitler?


  9. They were exiled from Israel.  They moved about, mostly concentrating in Europe.  They weren't too well liked there either.

    I agree with the others that this Yemeni / central Asian c**p is bogus.  A computer that randomly strung words together could come up with better garbage.

  10. "Some" ancestors lived in Europe and that was over 100 years ago in some cases and 60 years ago in other cases can we move on from that era please we're into second and third generations Israel now.

    Even when there was mass diaspora all over the globe, there was always a population that lived in Israel that communicated with the diaspora.  Safed/Tzfat for example had like 20k population in the 16th century with schools, textile mill, thriving Jewish hub and in cooperation with Jerusalem and the diaspora.

    Dearies, we are in the age of genetics and that proof will blow any book written in the 70's to the wind.  *poof*

    Jewish ancestral homeland is in Israel and never was in Europe and genetics proves this fact.  We are from Fertile Crescent region Middle East in fact we have a  Jewish group camping out at the base of Noah's Ark territory and the Jews that most recently lived in Europe 60-100 years ago  (Ashkenazim) are closest genetically to THESE Middle East Jews that never stepped foot out of Middle East than they are to non-Jewish Europeans.  ALL genetics on ALL Jewish groups show Middle East as ancient homeland with SPECIFICALLY Israel being HOME central according to scripture.  Everyone knows that so pick up "A" Book sometime science proving scripture more every day.  If you can't bear to pick up scriptural Book  then just pick up a science book dated more current than the 70's at least a magazine try something!

    We stick together like glue I am Sephardic so stop spreading myths and lies already about the Ashkenazim that they are from Europe we got a happening life we traveled don't be so jealous. :)

  11. we got kick out of the homeland so when we move to europe we repopulated so you can say that  

  12. The Jewish revolt, which began if I recall in 64 AD, was violently put down by the Romans and culminated with the destruction of the Second Temple built by King Herod in 70 AD, as JD correctly pointed out. The remaining Jews (those that were not slain during the rebellion) were either taken to Rome as slaves, fled to what is now Iraq and Egypt. A few remained.

    The Jews in Egypt migrated westwards over a period of centuries, until finally entering Europe via Spain. Many remained in Spain, but were once again expelled (or murdered) at the time of the Spanish Inquisition in the 15th century.  They then dispersed once more, mainly northwards to Holland, Germany etc and eastwards, to Greece and Turkey.

    During all this time, the Jews managed to keep the memory of Jerusalem alive in their hearts and in their prayers. This yearning for Jerusalem is one of the main focal points of Jewish history, as it has been handed down through countless generations.

    However, Jews do not claim that the Land of Israel is theirs merely because they were here 2000 years ago. We are here because the collective yearning for Jerusalem gave us the willpower to want to return, and also, perhaps primarily, it was granted to us by UN General Assembly resolution 181 from November 1947. You will also do well to remember that for the 500-odd years prior to 1917, the entire region was a backwater of the Ottoman Empire, stateless and with virtually no population at all. It was only when the Jews started returning in the 1880's that things picked up economically, and the region began drawing inhabitants from surrounding areas who wanted to improve their standard of living.

  13. a large number were taken to italy as part of the roman exile and many moved around there. some remained straight through history and some moved back when they could even though they were subject to repeated attacks.

  14. The Romans kicked most of the Jews out and exiled them all across the Roman Empire.

    Jews were fighting the Byzantine Empire up to 613 AD

  15. Two thousand years ago the Romans exiled the Jewish population from Israel.  Some Jews ended up in Europe, while some ended up in Africa or the Mid-East.

    Israel had always been and will always be the Jewish homeland.

  16. Most persons claiming "Jewish" ancestry are of Central Asian origin and converted to Judaism around the 8-10th century. The majority are now atheists. They are not Jews by religion and they are certainly not of Hibaru ancestry. Arthur Koestler wrote an excellent account in the late 70's of the Khazarian Empire,which is obviously the origin of the Ostjuden. There was a Jewish Kingdom in Yemen,and that is easy to google up. In Palestine they were a small minority dedicated to attacking any and all other ethnic groups in the hopes of liquidating them.  

  17. Their actual historical origin is Yemen. From the actual kingdom there they migrated through Egypt and into Palestine where they principally dedicated themselves to mass-murder. However,European who to be "jewish" are generally of Russian origin and typically atheists,as were the founders of the zionist entity. They are presumably of Khazarian origin. They are not descended from ancient Hibaru.  

  18. In 70AD after the Roman destroyed the Temple they took thousands of Jews to Rome as slaves.

    Others escaped the Romans and took off in all directions.

    While they left their homeland behind they took their devotion to God with them and have handed it down to their children for centuries.

    Now due to the grace of God they are back .  You don't have to like it but you might as well accept it.

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