
If Israel was to release its 10,000 Palestinian prisoners, what do you think Israel should get in return ?

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  1. As i know how things are

    so i m sure the following day they will replace the 10 000 freed with fresh 10 000

    remind you more than one fourth of total population went to prison for a reason or without a reason.

  2. Condemnation for imprisoning people without trial,particularly children. You do not thank a brutal regime for releasing children,you chasten for doing it in the first place. Your question sounds as though you think The Third Reich should have gotten something in return when Count Folke Bernadotte - later assassinated by jewish terrorists while serving in Palestine as the top UN mediator - negotiated the release of 5000 women from Ravensbrucke.

  3. Nothing, it's had too much already.

  4. You mean, the land that Zions've stolen isn't good enough!?

    Not to mention, the unjustifiable act of imprisoning the innocent Palestinians is a timid act on Zions part to begin with.

  5. Any Israeli prisoners held by Palestinians/Hamas/Fatah etc.

    Inshallah 10,000 may be released.........mostly women and children though I am sure

  6. I know what we might get, Gilad Shalit, and he is worth it/them.

  7. we show them good faith they show us terrorism, this is what the bible and koran says.

    We should keep those A**holes in jails, we should put all Palestinians with them.

    Olmert will commit another mistake.

  8. Nothing they dont deserve c**p. You imprison thousands of people without trials and when u realease them u want something in return?

  9. most of those prisoners were detained without trial and are innocent as it is. Isreail would be doing what it should have done a long time ago. what should it get? a warning not to imprison innocent people again.

  10. A free one-way trip to Europe sounds fair.

  11. Death of all Jews is what would happen...

    These trades have historically been very bad for Israel, as in trading murders back so we could bury our troops.

  12. The whole of the west bank, in exchange for Jerusalem as well!

  13. A tiny piece of my sympathy.

    If the jews start acting like civilized human beings maybe I'll give them another tiny piece of my sympathy.

    That's all.

    There are so many terrible things that make someone think that the jews there still live in the Middle Ages that they have to correct millions of things to become a nice country.

    At the moment it's a country to avoid at all costs.

    bye bye

  14. All of the Palestinians are prisoners and the only way to release them is to overthrow the zionist regime. But to answer your question,I think if they release 10,000 now it would not redeem them morally but it would mean liberty for 10,000. No,no reward. People should not be imprisoned in the first place for their religion,politics or ethnicity.

  15. This government should be dissolved and it's leaders placed on trial for crimes against humanity. Then we wouldn't have to "hope" they will "release" persons being held in prison,tortured and often killed for being of the "wrong" ethnicity and religion.

  16. why israel will release  murderers? they not releasing  the innocent that they kidnaped!!

  17. israel should just do it

    and there's way more than 10000

    every oppressed Palestinian living in the occupied Gaza Strip and West Bank is a prisoner

    israel have no right to the land

    you can't leave for a few hundred years and then come back feeling self-righteous about it

    if you leave, leave.

    don't come back with self-pity

    and i suppose if it wasn't for the Holocaust, they wouldn't have been allowed.

    yet another thing wrong with the Holocaust.

  18. Congradulations for doing the right thing and encouragement to correct the remaining human rights violations they are guilty of.

  19. Should get or would get?  They should get an end to rocket attacks from Gaza; they would get more rocket attacks from Gaza.  The road to peace in Palestine is not paved with appeasement.

  20. The first thing the Israeli's would get is a demand for more charity to feed them with.

    Then back to where they were.  Fighting off suicide bombers and rockets.

    No one is innocent as most of your answers demonstrate,

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