
If James Dobson croaked, who would take his place in Focus on the Family?

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I can't believe an organization like this one wouldn't have a well-organized list of equally hardcore people waiting in the wings to take over.




  1. Satan hisself?

  2. They asked me but I said I would be busy that day.

  3. They're probably preparing the arsenic as we speak.

  4. Probably one of the board members.  

  5. I am Christian and 97% of the time Focus on the Family bores me.  As for Christian radio shows "Your Story Hour", "Adventures In Oddessy", "Scriptural Pursuit", and "Bible Answers Live" are simply much better.

  6. i've read that alice cooper would be the replacement.

  7. The Pope? Fred Phelps? George Bush?

    There's many with similar stupid bigoted views sadly  

  8. Rush Limbaugh??

  9. Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, James Dobson, Bin Ladin, and all of their ilk are extremist religious dinosaurs that need to become extinct.  The world will be a far better place without their influences.

  10. Well... even though I'm a Christian, I don't think that's a job I'd want. There's a LOT of baggage that goes along with that position. I lot of labels would be applied automatically. I hope that people don't really think that all Christians are of the same "brand" as the Focus on the Family lot. While their purpose is a good one (help to strengthen  families), they're methods leave a bad taste in a lot people's mouths.

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