
If Jehovah's believe that they can not say for sure if you will be killed by God, why become a JW?

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Do JWs have a better chance at survival than anyone else? What if you don't believe in God? What difference does it make since JWs just can not say who God will kill?

Will God kill fornicators? Homosexuals? Can you be sure that he will kill all Satan worshippers?




  1. The Bible was written so that we can come to know God, his personality and what he expects of us. When someone either worships God's worst enemy or commits immorality which God clearly says he abhors, do you think God would keep them around? It's up to him to decide who is guilty of these things, but most of these are pretty obvious. Can any lawyer say 100% that he can win your case? No - because the judge has the final say. But the lawyer can tell you what the laws are. If you haven't broken any of them and you've always paid your taxes, etc. what are the chances you'll go to jail? If the judge is perfect (which God is), then obviously you won't.

  2. Witnesses are much more cautious now about making pronouncements on who will survive Armageddon and who will be slain by God, never to be resurrected. From before 1900 till around the 1980s they produced masses of literature stating categorically that all of Christendom (which did not include them) was the main part of Babylon the Great in Revelation - the religious w***e who would be destroyed by God at Armageddon. They urged everyone to flee from Christendom and all other false religions, to join them in order to survive. But they never said salvation was assured, even to their own members, warning that any Witness could become unfaithful to Jehovah and his organisation. If they are found in a disobedient state at Armageddon, they will be annihilated. This latter belief is still proclaimed by them but now they hedge their bets regarding all other religions by being non-specific. They only speak generally of other religions being false but they don't condemn Islam, specifically, although Christendom is still up for much mud-slinging.

    Survival is not a percentage chance. It is assured by God adopting people into his family as his children. Then they become heirs of God and Christ. God never casts any of his adopted children out of his heavenly family. All who are born again of the Holy Spirit are assured of eternal life by Jesus Himself. "My sheep listen to my voice. I know them and they follow me. I give them eternal life and they shall never perish. No-one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all. No-one can snatch them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father are one." (John 10:27-30) Witnesses cannot have such assurance because 99.9% of them know they have not been adopted (born again of the Spirit). On the basis of their own beliefs, they have no more 'chance' of survival than an atheist - unless they start believing the words of Christ instead of trying to explain them away as meaning something else.

  3. Why should an atheist ever become a JW?  Aside from the obvious (lack of belief in their sadistic invisible sky fairy) we have nothing to lose.  After all, what is the problem in not spending eternity with "God" when we don't believe that she exists anyway?


  4. Earthing JWs are not judges, judgment has been given to Jesus Christ, who will separate the sheep from the goats.

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