
If Jesus had been hanged rather than crucified, would you wear a noose around your neck instead of a cross...?

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If Jesus had been hanged rather than crucified, would you wear a noose around your neck instead of a cross...?




  1. Or a little 18c gold electric chair.

  2. Rolls eyes, No!.

  3. No.

  4. Thats cheered me right up,that has.

    Still laffin!

  5. Hah, good question

  6. good double question wouldnt be any christians if they all hung themselves!

  7. I don't think they will wear it..

    Why? Not Nice one...

  8. Haha that would make it too easy to erradicate the christians!

  9. You would wear a little tree.  

  10. Not me I`m an athiest but I guess christians would....

  11. huh. I guess thats true.

  12. Actually this is a very valid question.

    I suppose the answer would be yes, people would.  

  13. Probably.  Why does that bother you?  It's the sacrifice that was made that is important, not the manner it was done.

  14. I already have a noose, I'm married.

  15. Good one

  16. Most people already do. It's called a Necktie. Nice one! lol

  17. The good thing about "IF" - questions, is that they'll make you look ridiculous ONLY if you try to answer them in a serious manner. Kinda relaxing, really.

  18. Guess so.  

  19. haha! that is a brilliant question!  :)

  20. Better yet...

    What if he had died of old age...

    Then what?

    A wheelchair?

  21. I'm a Christian, well I try to be but, You'll never find me wearing a cross, so I don't see how I could wear a noose around my neck.

  22. It would not have worked. There is no shedding of blood with hanging, thus no payment for sin.  

  23. Good job he wasn't castrated

  24. The noose has no long association with pre-christian cults as the cross has! Given that almost every Christian motif and icon has been lifted from an older religion, I doubt it!

  25. Now that's fashion!

  26. good question, I suppose you'd have to wouldn't you. a nice little gold one, with Jesus hanging on it.

  27. no i don't think so. i don't wear a cross but i am sure i nice little noose on the end of a charm neclace would be lovely for those who do.

    maybe  a little tree where it hung from i think though since we are doing symbolism, i mean no one wears rusty nails round there neck.

    thanks, i enjoyed that. JESUS SAVES.

  28. There's no significance.  The crucifixion was important, the son of man had to suffer, and his death fulfilled that prophesy. You might think that question was funny but if Jesus was indeed hanged then there would have been no freedom for us from Sin.

  29. The cross represents the sun as it has doen since the days of babylon, standing for Nimrods son whose name was Tammuz, hence the T

    all pagan reliugions have the sun as their most important god, the second is the moon, and the third is the reincanation of the sun

    as in Osiris, Isis and Horus

    or Nimrod, semiramis and Tammuz

    Since the world did not want to hear the truth, they rejected god and worshipped the sun.

    Sticking your arms in a "Y" maner is a form of sun worship

    The cros represnets sun worship

    by fixing Jesus in a Y shape onto the cross, the world is forcing him into the submission of the sun god, that is why it is the ultimate humiliation

    he came to teac htem the truth

    but instead they used the romans to sacrifice him to a pagan god

    Stoning was a biblical punsihment, biblically jesus had done nothing wrong, that's why they were unable to stone him

  30. what about if he died by fire?

  31. God does not appreciate symbols of any sort because people tend to start worshipping them as a false god.  they pray to the cross, statues, etc.  Moses tried to tell us this too.  

    so Yes. people, being the ignorant creatures they are, would indeed worship the noose and will have tiny symbols of the noose on necklace chains, bumper stickers, headboards, yard shrines, hospitals, churches, etc.

    then before u know it, someone will swear they saw a noose in the shape of a tree, water spill, window screen, etc. then the local news channel will advertise it. then people will flock like a pilgramage to pray at the site.

    it's crazy, the level of superstition and ignorance.

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