
If Jesus had few rules, why then do so many Christians make up so many to judge who's living by faith or not?

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I ask the on-catechismic Q based on these background thoughts: I think those rules (esp on how to behave)are mnemonics at best and crutches at worst. Many who are weak in their faith misuse the made p rules to beat up the rest of the world. It saddens me much as it did Nietzsche who saw how religions have suppressed the gifts to humanity received from God as modeled for us by Jesus. Those in true communion with God "don't need no stinking(rules/badges)"(ref: famous line in the movie, The Magnificent Seven) and should wisely mind their own business and stop transgressing on others.

Pls remember to A the Q asked before you digress(feed) on my provided subtext.




  1. He had only a few rules because he wasn't around long enough to make more, fortunately.  And I mean fortunately for him.  He was spared the legislative process.  Smaller men, be they politically or religiously driven, are the ones who derive power by parsing the will of the greats who came before them.

  2. solution to all the world religious problems: all out nuclear war, once humanity is done, only animals will stay behind and nobody will kill them for fun. no more stupidity.

  3. It all plays along on the pride thing - our ego. Many religions have done this for years. It is simply an attempt to prove one group or one person holier than the rest. In the Old Testament, men had many wives as a normal function of the family. Some group came along and said you would be holier if you only had one wife because you could concentrate on God more. Another group came along and said you would be holier if you never married because you could give your whole life to God. It shows up in other areas as well. Some will say you should dress in a way that covers all your skin, some say short no shorter than the middle of your knee. One group will say you should listen to only a certain type of music and others say you shouldn't listen to music at all. On and on and on it goes. All because one group want to show that they are living a life that is holier than everyone else.

  4. Well, by making up more rules those who are insecure or wish to feel superior can show others how and why they are not living "correctly". Jesus taught that God's commandments were law but said most the most important commandment was to "love one another". It's probably the toughest law to follow and the most overlooked, especially by hypocrites.

  5. because humanity has a hard time keeping things simple: we always try to make things harder than they have to be...

    Jesus' message can be summed up in two very important verses:

    John 3:16 and Matthew 22:37-40....

    it is such a simple message and yet so very difficult for all of humanity to understand, accept and live.  a message that gives us the opportunity to live a purposeful and joyful life.

  6. Life has to be Difficult as world is ruled by the Devil!

    'Ten Commandments' to make us Saintly.

    Remember GOD at every breath.

  7. Because they are not true christians, they are hypocrites, they lack tolerance which is one of the 7 heavenly virtues. Jesus always said to not judge but they want to ignore that rule and think its ok.

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