
If Jesus is God......?

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Then who did the people before Jesus worship?

The Father?

Because if they worshipped the Father, and then the Son came, wouldn't that mean that you're polytheists?




  1. The word "Elohim" denotes a plurality, but He is considered one. A family of God, so to speak.

    God isn't 1+1+1=3, God is 1x1x1=1.

    I figure if God has always existed (like matter) and created the universe (yes, I still believe in Evolution, the Big Bang, etc. No reason God didn't make them) , then God must be too hard for humans to comprehend. It's like a Sea-Monkey trying to figure out a nuclear reactor.  

  2. The mystery is that they too worshiped Christ if they worshiped God in spirit and truth!

    1For I do not want you to be ignorant of the fact, brothers, that our forefathers were all under the cloud and that they all passed through the sea. 2They were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea. 3They all ate the same spiritual food 4and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ. (1 Cor 10)

  3. Allah shares the deity with no one.

    Jesus is but a Messenger.

  4. I noticed you used the phrase "everytime someone exposes christianity..." [sic]

    Yeshua/Jesus actually "exposed" Christianity because He is the Messiah prophesied about for 500 years before He was born.  Read Isaiah 53 in the Old Testament.

    Then notice in the New Testament - John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word WAS God."  The Word is Yeshua.  He has always existed and is God.  He came to earth so that man could get a better understanding of God, and to pay the debt for their sins, once and for all.

    And yes, God does more than "3 things," but the Godhead is comprised of 3 manifestations of 1 God.


  5. Hello,

    Great question! Personally, I have started to seriously dwell on and study questions like these. In my own quest to find out what I believe in life, and what makes the most sense, I have looked at evolution, religion, science, and more. After taking everything into account, I do come to the conclusion that it does make more sense that God does exist. I also study the Bible frequently, and look into questions like these to develop my own understanding.

    So I would like to answer your question on how I currently interpret it (I am still independently studying various types of questions like these and my own viewpoints may even change). Also, I suppose you can call me a Christian, although, I don't go to church or anything like that. I read the Bible often, study science & evolution, and basically study this stuff all on my own.

    Anyways, the way I interpret the whole Jesus/God issue is this. Jesus was God's son as the Bible indicates. He wasn't God Himself, since God really can't have bones & flesh. God is spirit.

    Instead, Jesus was the first human that was ever sinless, and when the Bible says passages (like for instance, that Jesus name will be called Immanuel "God with us") I think that it means that God's essence (or spirit/personality/attitude if you will) was inside of Him in a unique way that can never be done by another person.

    I don't think that necessary Jesus WAS God totally, but that He was probably filled with the spirit of God, and was God's unique son filled with His unique characteristics. Thus you can say something like he was God's will inside of man or God's spirit dwelling in man, or something to that effect. But not completely totally God. Again, I believe he was God's unique son, God created him special, and he was the messiah.

    I believe He was the messiah, and given unique abilities to perform miraculous things. The bible really mentions a messiah in the book of Genesis 3-15. I also think he was extremely charismatic, honest, genuine, and a very loving person.

    Furthermore, I think that before Jesus came, people had to sacrifice animals to God to offer forgiveness of sins. This was because they had to give something up (a perfect creature) in order to "make atonement" for their wrongdoing. I think Jesus fullfilled this by dying on the cross and offering (for the first time in history) the "Perfect Human Sacrifice."

    I agree that the whole trinity/was Jesus God type thing is somewhat confusing. But the way I think about it makes it all easy to understand (at least in my own mind).

    Those are my perspectives on it thus far according to my own thinking/research. I mean no offence at all to anyone that may have a different viewpoint. I just thought I would share my perspective/answer to your question.

  6. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one.  Jesus did not come along later, he was there at creation.

  7. I have a brain (be it ever so humble), a nervous system and a body each with its own function, yet part of the whole.  Does that make me a poly-being?

    I do believe this is what is meant when the scripture says that God said 'let us make man in our image'.  But trying to understand the perfect spiritual through imperfect human analogies and words is like a two dimensional circle made in the sphere's image trying to understand the sphere.

    Also, if you read the Old Testament from cover to cover you do find that there are many who acknowledge the Messiah (Christ) even before he became flesh which is how there are so many prophecies about Him.  And yet, the scripture also says 'hear, O Israel, the Lord your God is One God'.

    Definitely Monotheistic.

  8. Jesus said; "I tell you, before Abraham was born, I AM."

    One God; three Persons.

  9. God spoke 2 various people in the OT. There4 Jesus was always there even when the universe was created.

    Unfortunately, the trinity doctrine is in fact a complete misunderstanding of the true relationship btwn God, His Holy Spirit & Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Regrettably, those who hang on 2 such teaching cant rightly understand many of the other Biblical relationships & teaching (it came 2 be thru Catholics who have propagated many lies). While others have rightly determined the trinity doctrine contains errors they dont rightly understand the true relationship either. B/c they dont realize that Jesus is the actual Son of God they dont go 2 Him in accordance with His instructions - they dont come 2 trust that since He came from God that He can open their eyes 2 rightly understand whats been preserved in the Bible. Who would know more about a house, the Builder or those who move in later?

    The manner in which the Trinity doctrine (not in the Bible) is presented it brings fear 2 many that u r not allowed to question it. Others (like the JWs, the Mormons, Islam, moonies, etc.) who saw partly whats wrong with the trinity made the major mistake of deciding that that meant that Jesus isnt really the only true Son of God.  2 begin 2 come 2 right understanding we need 2 start with John 1:1. Without a language God couldnt reason nor understand His thoughts nor could He create anything complex like a universe & life nor could He converse with others. So Jn 1:1 is referring 2 Jesus as the language of God. Man is created in God's image. That is man is limited by the same necessity 4 language as God. No matter how primative we need a language 2 function & live with others. Even animals need a language 2 communicate with others.

    The language part of u never tells u what 2 do nor can it act on its own.  There4, the statements made by Jesus regarding His relationship with God r true (Jn 5:19,30; 8:28). The language part of u cant act on its own nor can it usurp your authority - a student is never greater than his teacher. On 1 level your language is a layer within u but always a part of u. U can pass 2 your son understanding of what u r about thru your language part of u. If your son learns everything u teach him he, in effect, becomes like u & is u for all intents & purposes. 4 learning 2 & obeying u, u can reward him with a position of authority.

    Lets say the father owns a business & employs his son & teaches him all about the business & how he runs the business. He decides He wants 2 rest or go away. He puts his son in charge trusting he will do exactly what he would do if he were running it himself. If the son obeys him & runs the business the same way his father would, he is in effect his father & can claim to be his father (having rightly imitated his father he is like his father - like father, like son). So while he is exactly like his father he is never equal 2 his father even though he has been given all authority of the father. The same is true regarding the God of Israel with respect 2 His Son, Jesus, who fully reflected all that is of God.  Jesus wasnt God incarnate but He perfectly did God's will instead of his own will. Jesus' obedience 2 God's will:

    Ro 5:19  For as by 1 man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by 1 Man's obedience (Jesus obeyed God's will) many will be made righteous (Joh 12:49; Lu 6:40; Joh 14:28-29; Col 1:15 - He is the image of God b/c He obeyed God's will; Heb 5:7-8; Lu 2:52 (He had favor of many men b/c He wasnt acting like unsaved men do around each other).

    There4, Jesus was & is obedient 2 God's will. B/c whats truly good is only what comes from "perfect" God (the 1 & only Truth) its only b/c Jesus did what is good (the 1 & only truth) according 2 God according 2 God's will (doing & teaching the truth) that Jesus can call Himself [like] God - b/c He became like His Teacher, knowing what is of God & there4 knowing & understanding God by learning the full knowledge of God & living accordingly, which we r 2 learn & imitate.

    So we have a soul like God has His soul (what makes Him an individual), His language which He passed on 2 Jesus (His Son), & His Spirit which He commands thru His soul & language (attached 2 & part of God's consciousness). In other words, God (His soul) is the ultimate authority over both His Holy Spirit & His language. God acts thru His language 2 command & move His Spirit 2 act on His behalf (Joh 16:13).  There4, God thru Jesus commands His Spirit 2 act.  & b/c Jesus thru God's Holy Spirit fully obeyed God's will He is given authority over Heaven & earth & there4, has authority over all those who obey & imitate Him. B/c Jesus obeyed God even unto death we must go thru Jesus (praying 2 Jesus is how we get 2 God - u can pray 2 both - so u wont be disqualified just b/c the trinity doctrine is false) 2 be forgiven 4 our sins & 2 learn how 2 obey God. Since Jesus fully obeyed God's commandments He has been given all authority so that by imitating Jesus we can be saved if we sincerely turn 2 Him & ask Him 2 come in2 our hearts & 2 give us God's Holy Spirit.

    However, why should God want u 2 live with Him forever if u dont want 2 know Him or follow His commandments (reason 4 free will - Jn 1:12-13)? But whoever searches 4 Jesus with all their heart & soul (u will always need your Bible - the ESV is accurate & about the easiest 2 read - see below) will find our true God & His Kingdom (U shall know the truth & it shall set u free). The truth of God remains forever, while the things of man, including his religions & gods made in his image dies with him.  In other words neither being a good person as judged by men or religion or its dogma/documents cant save u. But theres everlasting hope in Jesus Christ, the true Son of God.


  10. Jesus is of three persons in one God....God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  One God

  11. Life is full of contradictions.

  12. Yeah they are totally nonsense

    If you don't mind, answer mine;...

  13. its three entities as one GOD.

    All three are essential for God to exist.

  14. Jesus was God manifest in the flesh. God is a spirit. Before the birth of Christ.People worshipped God.Jesus IS the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.See Isaiah 48:11-12,Gal.3:20, Rev.4:2,John 4:24, Hebrews 1:1-3,Isa. 9:6, Col. 2:9-10 and Titus 2:13.

  15. The idea of God being Father was familiar to the Israelites, who worshipped Yahweh, the Creator. The Hebrew scriptures have God referring to Himself as Father and other analogies. They also knew God had appeared in various forms to His servants and given visions of Himself. They knew the Holy Spirit was integral to God's being and that there was the mysterious Word of God, associated with His name. They knew that in the beginning, God said, "Let us make man in our image". This in no way detracted from God's self revelation as being the only true God, the only God to be worshipped.

    By the time Jesus was resurrected, the disciples realised He was God. Thomas declared, "My Lord, and my God!" and Jesus did not rebuke him. Stephen prayed to Jesus as he was being stoned to death, asking Jesus to receive his spirit (although he also saw the Father in his vision). In the book of Hebrews we are told that God commands all his angels to worship Christ and in Revelation we see the Father on heaven's throne, with Jesus the Lamb standing in the midst of that throne, both receiving the same worship. This is not polytheism because to worship Christ is to worship God for they are one and the same - the one Creator. God has chosen to reveal Himself over the centuries, preparing the way carefully so that polytheism would not be committed. God reveals who Christ is to those who sincerely seek Him. He was never created. The work of the Holy Spirit is to uplift Christ. He was never created either. All three combine to give us a fuller picture of the enormity that is God, the Creator. You wouldn't expect God to be simple, like us, would you?

  16. They worshipped YHWH. Many still do. They practice the Jewish faith.

    There were also many Pagan people then who worshipped a variety of deities, in fact they were the majority.

  17. yes the Father.and the whole Trinity!!...Jesus is also part of the Trinity too. He was the word BEFore human birth...

  18. We perceive God as 3 parts? He is the one that has made it clear through scripture that though He is the only God, He has three distinct aspects to him.

    So, then we are made in the image of God; The Father (where we get our sense of self and power of choice), The Son (for we are also flesh), and The Spirit ( which we also have a spirit). Does it seem so hard to undrstand this?

    And I see that since you are not looking to learn, but to teach you have an arroagance about you. But I can truly see from your answers that you do not know God or the Bible. if you really want to learn the truth read the Bible. PEACE

  19. They aren't 3 "parts" rather 3 "roles" of God. God the Father is the creator, God the Son is the redeemer, and God the Holy Spirit is the Guide.

  20. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    Christ was God in human form, The Son. God the Father is Whom sits on the Throne, and The Holy Spirit (or Ghost) is the Helper. All three are One.

    I would like to know what your perception of perfect is. Why would God be imperfect because He has three parts. Perfect is simply without sin, all knowing, without fault, or all powerful. Or a combination of all like God.

    Man tries to be perfect, or without sin.

  21. Jesus is the God of the old testament, and we were known by him, and we knew him. This is revealed to us in the book of Jeremiah.

  22. Jesus said He was slain from the foundation of the world which means that Jesus was with God in the beginning at Creation.

    A man in flesh called God walked and talked to Abraham. Jacob wrestled with God.  Only way you can see God is to see Jesus.  Jesus has always been man's way to view God.

    You are right about one thing - God has many names and many titles and He controls many things.  Man definitely tends to limit God and God is limitless.  As for the Godhead we have The Father, The Son Jesus the Christ and The Holy Spirit.  Three are One.  I am spirit, soul and body.  We are made in the image of God.
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