
If Jesus is supposedly jewish, why on earth does he have a spanish name?

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If Jesus is supposedly jewish, why on earth does he have a spanish name?




  1. 'Jesus' is the English corruption of the Greek corruption of the original Hebrew name Y'shua, which would translate as Joshua in English. The Spanish borrowed it, just like we English speakers have borrowed a thousand names from the Bible.  

  2. you're dumb!

    Jesus is the translation of Yeshua which is in Hebrew to English/Spanish

  3. It is hebrew for Yehoshua

  4. FRIEND ,



    GOD bless.

  5. sure even Jesus himself laughed at that one

  6. Yesha is his real name, their are mostly translations for names in spanish, like my name Anthony which is translated into Antonio or Michael translated into Miguel.

  7. Please.


  8. That's pretty funny what Darwin said cuz I was just going to say something similiar but it is fascinating how subliminal some thinks are when you hear them and drives me batty everytime this funky philology thingy.

  9. Jesus' name in Aramaic, which would have been the vernacular language spoken at the time he was on Earth, was Yeshua.

    Jesus is the English translation of Yeshua.  

  10. lol

    coz Jesus has a lot of names as the bible were translated into many languages,,

    Yeshua,Jesus,,Yesus (in my language)

  11. He doesn't have a Spanish name; His name is Jesus (JEE-zus ), not ( HAY-zeus ). You are getting really deep into Troll country---- don't go no farther, or you might not find your way back.

  12. oh please, it is actually Yeshua, or Joshua so Joshua would be the english equivalent.  

  13. Jesus is a Hebrew name.

    The name was "borrowed" by the Spanish...

    Long Story......

  14. It isn't 'if' and there's no 'supposedly' about it. Jesus was born to Jewish parents, he lived as a practising Jew and he died a Jew. He taught basic Judaism and he never left Judaism. His name would have been something like Joshua or Yoshushua.


    Thumbs down, for stating the fact that Jesus was Jewish? My goodness, some people are very immature if they can't accept basic FACTS.

    And just to correct a later answer: Jesus did know Hebrew. All Jewish boys learn Hebrew. They study the Torah, which is in HEBREW.

  15. Actually, he wanted a Greek god name, but some scribe heard everyone calling him "Hey, Zeus!" and wrote it down wrong.  Guess that's what happens when your writing doesn't have any vowels.

  16. according to legend sky dude would be 2008 years old. i think he got the name first before predominantly christian spaniards used it.

  17. hahaha thats a good 1

  18. Jesus did not speak Greek, or Latin, or SPanish.

    Jesus did not preach in Hebrew.

    Jesus preached in a language called Aramaic.  That language is dead now!  His sayings are not available in their originial language.

    Only the translations of his sayings are around in Greek.

    There are many "versions" of English translations from the Greek.

    At the time Jesus lived, there was no language called Spanish, nor a language called English.

    How then could Jesus be Spanish?

  19. Ha haa very funny...

  20. Actually Jesus is "Prophet Isa".

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