
If Jesus is without sin, why didn't he throw the first stone?

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If Jesus is without sin, why didn't he throw the first stone?




  1. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

    -Till He Returns

    God Bless

  2. Because He didn't want to, duh

  3. Exactly. Because Jesus never said that he was without sin. . He didn't excuse himself and did not say "nobody but me" or 'cepts, of course, me and my mutha yo". Nope  he didn't ever say he was without sin.

    I don't know why people need to believe that Jesus and even his mother are sinless. How does that prove faith in His testimony? (John15:26-27)

    Even his apostles were not going to truly know Him until the prophesies were completely fulfilled (in His Resurrection). That's when the Holy Spirit could actually come. With that Spirit of true testimony, THEN they would know and could admit that  it was actually God coming in the flesh. (2John1:7)

    Make no mistakes. Be not deceived by men bearing  false witness (LIARS!).

    IF YOU HAVE BEEN BELIEVING A LIE: the good news is you are a sinner in need of forgiveness. It is within your power to stop being untruthful.


    (John9:24) The Pharisee's inquisition a young man that was actually born blind, but was healed by Jesus. They think he couldn't have healed a man that was born blind because Jesus is a sinner, a flesh and blood living soul.

    (John9:25) The man does not know anything  at all about Jesus being a sinner or not, It is of no consequence, it's not an issue at all. The God's honest truth, without a doubt, he knows for sure that he is healed.

  4. Because he was setting an example for all of us to follow.  If the sinless man chose not to cast the first stone then who else could?  No one of course.  It's not right to throw stones at others but why can't we understand this message?  If Jesus thought it was inappropriate to stone someone who was absolutely guilty then why do we believe it's justified to throw stones at others because we suspect they are wrong or because they are different from us or they don't agree with our view?  We should look at this example and be ashamed at ourselves.  If you're going to help someone who is suffering because of their actions you don't kick them while they're down.  You help them up, dust them off, see if their alright, show some compassion, help them anyway you can, and forgive them for what they have done.  Don't you understand the message Jesus was sending?  He chose not to throw rocks and we shouldn't either.  

  5. A)  Maybe it was a set-up (she was innocent)

    B)  The law requires that the *man* caught in adultery with the woman be stoned as well.  

  6. he throws like a wussy

  7. Cause He didn't wanna.

  8. Because He will judge EVERYONE on Judgment Day. When Yehoshua judges the world, it will be a one-time eternal judgment. If that woman does not repent between the time Yehoshua told her to "go and sin no more" and Judgment Day, her reward will be much worse than death by stoning.

  9. He didn't come to condemn the world, but to save it.

  10. Instead of throwing stones, Jesus affirmed true doctrine, and rejected and openly ridiculed the false doctrines and "traditions" of man which eliminated God's Word from having preeminence.  Why do you think some people hated Jesus so much?

    Whenever you affirm that the Word of God is 100% true and is the final and ONLY authority, you then elicit the anger of those that hold their opinions and "traditions" of man above the Word of God.

  11. He was basically saying, "Okay, since you are about to stone her, let the one of you who is without sin cast it first you bunch of bullies."

    He wasn't saying that he was going to throw it, even though the Bible does describe Jesus as being sinless. He was just making a point.

    Just like if I knew how to solve a math problem, and stood in front of a class and said, "okay let the one of you that can solve this do it." Even though I know how to, or I am qualified to do it, I am just proving a point.

    So he was doing it to prove a point. The point was simply, "none of you are any better, and have no right to stone her."  

  12. Because he was going to create a stone so big that he couldn't lift it. So instead he just decided to be a nice guy.

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