
If Jesus returned....?

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would he go Christmas shopping?




  1. Yeah, he will buy a huge birthday cake and candles.

  2. When He returns no one will be doing any shopping...

  3. Firstly, he wouldn't be likely to want to condone the pasting of his birth onto the ancient Winter Solstice celebration.  And secondly, he'd have far more meaningful things to give than anything that can be bought in a shop.

  4. nah, I would kill him first.

  5. Of course not.

    Who would go out and buy presents for other people on their own birthday?

  6. Actually yes, I think he probably would. He loves giving gifts to those he loves.

  7. do men actually go shopping.

  8. ...

  9. If he is anything like his freaks paint him out to be, the answer would be a resounding NO.  He would be appalled, disgusted and horrified at what a mockery they've made of his name and how they've used him as an excuse for their  grand display of commercialism and materialism and useless waste of time and money

  10. not a question of if but when. and no, what does the Son of God need to shop for?

  11. Bahahaha nah
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