
If Jesus tells us to go pray in a secret place, how come everyone wants people to pray for them?

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l was sitting in church one day and this lady came up to me and asked me could her and her mother pray for me and l told her no. she was shocked that l would turn down her prayer request and asked me why. In the last eleven years, l have talked to God and when l need something l ask him for it and l wind up getting it every time. l dont need someone talking to God for me when l can do it myself knowing he is going to answer me. like what is your praying going to do for me. well it get my prayer answered any faster. l doubt it and l know God is not going to answer your prayer and not answer mine so l have no need for you to pray for me. now if l come to you and asked you to pray for me, which l doubt, then you can pray for me. now if lm at a point where lm not able to pray then you can pray for me. l then told her, Jesus tells us when we pray to go in a secret place to pray and that God will answer my prayer, so l dont need you praying for me. Jesus never asked the disciples to pray for him. he told them to go and pray but he never once told anyone to pray for him because he knew that his prayers would be answered. and just so you know, dont use the scripture where it says where two or more are gathered in his name because l have had that scripture thrown at me a few times. that scripture has nothing to do with prayer. now if someone comes to me and ask me to pray for them. l will try to have them pray for themselves because with me praying and them not having the faith, my praying is useless, now after l get them to believe in their own prayer, then l will pray with them.




  1. The Bible also says to "pray without ceasing"  You going to hide away fro the rest of your life?

  2. Yes, believers can pray together.  BUT- it would be a "show of PRIDE" for those two believers to sit somewhere in public and make a show of how holy they are, to be praying.

    I think of the Muslim thing- even their praying towards Mecca, no matter where they are at the specified times,  can be considered a prideful show.

    "Look how reverent I am!"

    We should pray to God in private,  not make a show out of it.

    Another thing that REALLY bugs me is at MY worship meetings- they have taken to playing MUSIC lightly in the background when the Pastor prays.  I don't like it.  It's as if it's for emotional "drama".  

    Prayer is personal.

  3. Jesus also says, 'When 2 or more believers come together and pray (sincerely), I will surely answer.'

    When he says to pray in a secret place, he means not to be like the hypocritical Pharisees of his time, praying in public to gain fame and recognition.

    Pray because God wants you to, not because you want others to think you're godly.

    But, once again, praying with other believers is doubly effective.

  4. There are different types of prayer, there is corporate prayer, which can be said aloud, or quietly, there is spiritual warfare , there is intercessory prayer, prayers for revival, prayers for healing, just  to name a  few. There is also praying in the spirit, which is in secret, it is in tongues, and only God knows what you are saying. As far as Jesus asking His disciples to pray for Him, yes, He did ask, they were just too tired to do it, look at the Garden of Gethsemane the night that He was betrayed.When Jesus told  the disciples to go to there secret place to pray, it was not a blanket statement that all prayer is done in ones' prayer closet, He did not want us to be as the Publicans, who prayed long prayers, just for others to think how spiritual they were, brother so and so is so spiritual, did you hear how he prays, that type of bragging, and building ones self up is what He does not want. The only time I would be uncomfortable about someone praying for me would be if I was not sure if he or she was saved. I only want a saved person praying for me, all others do not go past the ceiling. Hope that this helps, God Bless.

  5. ok i stopped reading when you turned down the prayer. people should ALWAYS pray for others. when you just pray for yourself and not for others, thats pretty selfish. i always pray for people, people always ask me to pray for them and i DONT mind, as long as its in God's favor/will. God wants us to be compassionate of others and share and show concern for each other. turning down her offer of prayer was like a slap in the face. you sound like a very grouchy uptight believer if you ask me. but i guess its your choice to choose not be prayed over. i would welcoming accept any prayer offers becuase that lets me know that people actually care about me.

    Praying in Secret means to not have any distractions while talking God, AND not trying to make yourself look good in front of everybody. yea prayer is secret, but there is nothing wrong praying with people or about them.

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