
If Jesus was not the Messiah....?

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then how do you account for the angel that told Joseph to name his son Jesus? How he was told where to go and how to raise him?




  1. but He was!

    ques has false premise..

  2. It's self-defeating logic. If Jesus was not the messiah, then obviously there are no angels and Joseph wasn't told where to go and how to raise him.

  3. Because its a fictional story that was written after the fact.  Lets come to terms with reality, sweetie.  Life is too short to be wrong the whole time. Don't you think?

  4. Jesus is the Messiah  prophecied through out the entire Old Testament....named Immanuel, meaning  in hebrew "God with us"

    All Biblical scholars recognize that....don't be deceived by unbelievers who never read the Scriptures.....

  5. How are you for sure that angels didn't appear to others to tell them what to name their children?  How do  you know for certain an angel appeared at all?  Just because a book tells you so?  

    In that case then we can assume that Harry Potter is real and that the lady of the lake really is there.

    It is a book.  It was written By MEN so to promote their religion.  It was changed by Kings, influenced by governments.  You can't take it literally.  

  6. According to prophecy, he was SUPPOSED to be named "Emmanuel".  There's your proof.

  7. Good question.Some people thought Strider wasn't the REAL king either,yet they can't account for the sword being reforged.People are silly that way

  8. The angel is part of the myth.


    How do you account for Jesus not bringing knowledge of god to the world or stopping all war?  How do you account for him not being born of both the line of David and the line of Solomon?  Why was he not anointed the king of Israel?

  9. Angels???

    Well the leprechauns didn't say he was the messiah so he couldn't be.

  10. answer: and the proof of that is?  NOTHING was written about Jesus until 50 years after his death.  The "gospels" were not written by Matthew, Mark, Luke or John.  

    You can NOT use the bible to prove the bible or the fact that Jesus was supposedly the Jewish Messiah - he wasn't.  Go study the actual prophecies about the Jewish messiah.  

  11. There are believers and non believers..on judgement day the non believers will know they have been seperated from god for good/eternity

  12. I believe Jesus is Messiah, But not because of your logic.

  13. i AM jesus and i AM the messiah! take that, ******!

  14. I'm supposed to account for angels now? Good grief.

  15. have you any other than your book as evidence, such as an eye wittiness or a historical document.

    As I have always said, one cannot use the wittiness as documentation of proof.

  16. Well, umm, simply by stating that the stories in the bible are fiction.  Jesus wasn't the messiah and Joseph and Mary never spoke to an angel.

  17. He is the messiah,but his name aint jesus. Its Yahshua. The word jesus didnt appear untill after the yr. 1611. So in reality the angel didnt say the word jesus. YAHWEH/ Yahshua.

  18. Clearly if you accept that the Bible is wrong about Jesus being the Messiah then you can easily accept it was wrong about other things.

  19. Are you serious? One fictitious creature to justify another! Sweetie, that just doesn't work!

  20. According to who's account - the gospels? On that note, how can we be sure it actually happened that way, seeing as the gospels were never written at the time of his life or death (until years after) - so do you really know? Not really, you have to take it on faith. You're applying a heavy assumption that an angel did come down and see Joseph on the premise of the Bible (which has been historically proven to be "doctored" for want of a better term) with nothing to support it, then running on the assumption that in fact because one part is true (the angel coming to Joseph) that in fact he MUST be the messiah. Doesn't work.

    Blessings and Toodles

  21. only the TRUE Messiah denies his Divinity !  

  22. Assumption of facts not in evidence.

  23. Uhh...ever heard of "hallucination"?  Or "self-fulfilling prophecy"?  How about "flat-out lie"?

    It's not as if these prophecies weren't common knowledge that ANYbody could've cooked up a story to fit them...

  24. By that logic, Mexico would be full of messiahs.

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