
If Jesus was perfect how could he die?

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Because perfect people cannot die.




  1. He did indeed inherit sin - for all those willing to let Him.

  2. if jesus didnt die we would all go t h**l he had to die for our sins God doesnt like sin and we have life threw jesus christ and a entrance to heaven it was all adams fault if he nver ate the apple jesus wouldnt have to die

  3. He sacrificed himself. Jesus was completely man and completely God. No one can kill God unless he sacrificed himself. Jesus took the penalty of sin on himself to save us all. Not from death, but h**l.

  4. John 10:18

  5. Jesus died on his own will. He wasn't quite perfect he was more like innocent. What Jesus did was die for everyone else's sins. He could have allowed our sins to take us straight on to h**l but, he care for us so much that he decided to come down for US.

  6. very simple jesus was send by his father for one reason to save us from our sins.  understand that jesus sits on the right hand of god at this very moment.  while talking with this disciples - jesus said none is perfect but by father   let go let god

  7. Christians give the answer of "he died for our sins."

    If he did, then what would be the point of life if not to be tested for your goodness?

    Why are there still people who commit sins?

  8. jesus was always perfect

  9. Perfect people can die.

    Jesus wasn't immortal, and thats why he died. The only ones said to be immortal are those who survive the 1000 reign of Christ and that of those in Heaven.

  10. If you are so imperfect, lowly, dirty, and sinful, why are you alive? Don't you deserve do die?

    Jesus sacrificed himself so that you can live.  

  11. A. He is/was God manifest in the flesh-Jesus IS God.

    2. He was a willing sacrifice for the sins of all mankind.

    3. Jesus was 100% divine AND 100 % human.Thus, he suffered and died as we would.

  12. Perfection does not equal immortality.

    Jesus died because he was mortal. But now he is not, so Jesus can never die again.

  13. He died because He laid down His life, it wasn't taken from Him. He allowed it to happen. That's why He was able to take it back again.  

  14. Right , Jesus is God's son.

    But you will have to remember that Jesus have to do what God told him to do this.

  15. "Christ died for our sins. Dare we make his martyrdom meaningless by not committing them?" ~ Jules Feiffer

  16. Brandi,

    Rather than say "perfect people cannot die", it is that perfect people would not die in their everyday life if they continued sinless, and of course took care of their bodies by eating, sleeping, etc.

    And of course there is information in the Bible to let us know that Jesus did eat, sleep, etc.

    But he remained sinless as Hebrews 7:26 says.

    So to die, his death had to be from an outside source. In his case, it was the Roman governor Pilate who was egged on by the Jewish religious leaders that put him to death.

    Once he was resurrected, he had immortality, which is having innate life, that is having life without dependence even on Jehovah to provide his needs. As the Archangel Michael, he did not have immortality but had perfect life like the other angels.

    That is why Philippians 2:9 says that after his resurrection he was given a "superior position" than he previously had. Now he has immortality which no perfect angel has. And Hebrews 1:4 says he has now "become better than the angels."

  17. Jesus chose to lay down His life as payment for our sin. He took our sin - past, present, future - and bore it for those of us who repent and put our faith in Him.

    Remember, the title Son of God was a way the ancient Hebrews spoke of God. When they called Him Son of God, they were calling Him God.

  18. Jesus was SENT to us to BE a sacrifice....

    to give his PERFECT human life so that we would have death lifted from us. this is future and will benefit ONLY the righteous.

    Psalm 37; 9,11,29,34

    Our ' sins' are not so much as what WE have done wrong, as what we inherited from Adam and Eve. when they disobeyed.

    Genesis 2; 16,17

    Look at those scriptures and it will become clear that God never intended for man to EVER die. We cause that.

    Jesus' sacrifice paid for its removal. The time that has passed since then does not matter. To God [ Jesus' Father, not Jesus himself] time means nothing. Only to us has a long time passed.

  19. His physical body died because it was flesh and blood just like you and He was murdered on the cross.  The sin we inherited from Adam corrupts the flesh to worldly temptations, sickness, old age and subsequently death.  Christ perfection as God comes into play by His resurrection from death to glory

  20. Example:

    An enormous extended family who owned their homes outright, decided to mortgage their homes for foolish reasons. However, none of them were later capable of paying their mortgages off...  

    Someone with a lot of money --& a very generous & kind heart-- voluntarily shouldered all of their debts by paying all of their mortgages in full.  

    This rich person had had no outstanding debts of his own, but he spent absolutely everything that he had to pay these other people's mortgages off for them.  

    For performing this extremely selfless act, this now destitute person was honored more than anyone ever had been before, & was given the position of king-governor over their province...

    According to the Law of Love, this was allowed.

    There is nothing unscriptural about that a man voluntarily laying down his life for other faithful ones.

    Does this remind you of anyone...?

    "He [Christ] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; because by means of him all [other] things were created in the heavens and upon the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, no matter whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All [other] things have been created through him and for him." --Colosians 1:15,16

    So, Jesus Christ certainly had the motivation to interceed for mankind. To artists & builders, they feel as strongly about their creations as people normally feel about their own dear children...

    For a detailed explanation of what I'm referring to --complete with Scriptures-- please read:

    "Mankind's Release From Death, by Jesus' Perfect Human Sacrifice"

  21. It is true, Christ was the perfect Son of God.  However, His mortal life and experience, His mission on earth made Him more fully perfect as it fulfilled His earthly mission, experience, atonement, death and resurrection and His ultimate glorified perfected body & spirit.  We happened to discuss JUST this in Sunday School last week and it was very interesting to consider.

    "This is my work and my glory(HE said) to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man"... until then He was not and would not be fully perfected - even though He was always a perfect being and divine in His own right.  

    And where do you get the notion that a perfect person can not die??  Consider instead that NO ONE can attain perfection until they have experienced death!

  22. He was sinless, but still a human, and humans die. babies die too even thought they never sinned . eternal life and immortality IS the same thing. they both mean "never die" . and only the chosen will put on immortality in the last day. Jesus was the fist human to put on immortality and go to heaven .  Jesus was perfect as in he was sinless . But he still, hungered, feared , didnt know the end times, and died because he was human

  23.   Jesus gave up his life willingly. No man or army on this planet could have put Him on that cross *IF* He didn't want to go there. Perfect people can't die of natural causes and they can't die of disease but they can give up their life.

      You also said that Jesus didn't inherit sin because He is God's son and that part is true but He allowed the sins of this world to come on Him while He was on the cross. You know when they came? They came on Him and then He said "My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?" You see, God is so Holy and refuses to be around sin.

    So God left Jesus (There's a strange one) at that moment and that's why Jesus cried out those words.

    Jesus did get sins...MINE! The moment I was born-again my sins went on Jesus while on the cross.

    I almost start weeping when I think of what Jesus went through just so that Steve could go to Heaven. Yesterday I saw a thing on the Histor Channel about Jesus and the crucifixion. They showed all about how it happened and the mechanics of it. I sat there with tears in my eyes. He gave it all up for me.

    But He is coming back two more times. Once to take the born-again Christians away and then seven years after that to enter the temple and sit on the throne. He is the King of Kings and WILL sit on an earthly throne. How do I know? The Bible tells me so.

  24. Death as a metaphor for not living with God occurs is inherited from Adam.

    Jesus could die, feel tired, sad and hungry because He is 100% human and could resurrect because he is 100% God. Not 50/50 but 100/100.  

  25. Jesus died not for old age or by enfermity. Jesus was murdered as prophesy announced in behalf of our sin:

    “And after the sixty-two weeks Mes·si´ah will be cut off, with nothing for himself... And he must keep the covenant in force for the many for one week; and at the half of the week he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease."  -Daniel 9:26, 27.

    All in that, Messiah could be "cut off" and by his death would "cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease."


  26. Yes, perfect people can die.  Perfect people still have free will, and can choose to obey or disobey Jehovah.  

    Adam died, and he did not inherit sin from anyone.  Jehovah made him perfect, but he died because of his own disobedience, not because he inherited sin from someone else --- there was no one else to inherit sin from.

    The Bible is quite clear that Jesus did die, as a ransom sacrifice for our sins.  He had the right to live forever, since he was sinless, but he forfeited that right so that we could live forever.

  27. Did Jesus die ? seek and you will find your answers : )

    Jesus, the Crucifixion and His Recovery

    Jesus’ Bilocations, and His Ascension

    Into Light, Years After the Crucifixion

    Love & Blessings


  28. no but read this

    5 But He was wounded for our transgressions,

    He was bruised for our iniquities;

    The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,

    And by His stripes we are healed.

    6 All we like sheep have gone astray;

    We have turned, every one, to his own way;

    And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all

    Is 53:5-6

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