
If John Cena isn't hating on nobody then why're people hating on him?

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Is it because they're jealous of him about something? God taught us not to hate but to love one another. So people that have hate in themselves are going against the word of God.




  1. cuz they are g*y

    i am not christian i am hindu but we are very peaceful people and believe hurting someone for no reason is one of hte biggest sins

  2. No its because of is talent lake of it he needs to go back to school and learn some holds aim tired of seeing the same moves . he goes and does the same thing a tackle and then a side walk slam and a fu then its over

  3. Because Vince "hated" on us as you would say when he put that piece of junk in the main event picture and over used him.

  4. i dont hate him.......... hes my favorite wrestler..................!

  5. John Cena - He could be so much better than he is at the minute, at the minute he comes out and does the nearly same thing every week and the marine gimmick is going stale now. Everyone is begging WWE to turn him back into the doctor of thuganomics/rapping gimmick because it suits him better and he got more of a crowd reaction than he does now. It appealed to a more mature fanbase, now this marine gimmick is attracting the majority of 12 year olds and under, whereas his previous even attracted the likes of 16 year olds.

    John Cena is really nice outside of wrestling, cares for his fans and acts as a good role model for them.

    Plus he's a face and he gets booed; that's just plain pathetic, the way it is meant to work is that the faces get cheered and the heels get booed. But it's working a whole different way in this situation. Although you can hear a hoard of cheers from the crowd, you can sometimes still slightly even hear the boos, h**l in some cases with Cena you could easily hear the boos, like these events for instance:

    But to keep John Cena's respect intact which he kinda deserves, I have wrote this:

    John Cena because he is fun, funny, charismatic, a good brawler and powerhouse and knows how to get a crowd hyped up.

    For all John Cena haters I have found a way to debunk all of your comments:

    You all say these about John Cena:

    1. His title reign was far too long and he gets too many title shots: Triple H, The Rock and JBL's title reigns went on for ages and I don't hear you complain about them. They also get (Except The Rock) loads of title shots and you seem to leave those superstars out when you criticise Cena. And it isn't like every match he gets is a main event, contender or title match.

    2. His moveset is boring, he has a limited no. of moves and uses the same ones nearly every single match: Hey have you seen the people who use really simple moves like just punches and simple grapples like Mark Henry and Big Daddy V. Their movesets are hardly amusing, at least Cena puts some effort into his moves. Yet you fail to abuse them like you do to Cena. Plus John Cena is sometimes a mid carder with the jbl feud. In addition it is partly the trainers fault regarding Cena's moveset.

    3. His marine gimmick is c**p: Changing his gimmick is good because it gives the fans something new, although his previous gimmick attracted more older fans and I prefer it, the wwe company partly told him how to do his gimmick.

    In addition, how can you say that he gets the h**l booed out of him when he has a h**l of a lot of hype going and probably the most merchandise going.

    Also his mic skills and charisma are outstanding, after all that is what wwe mostly about! More than wrestling abilty I think!

    I think Cena has:



    -technical skill

    -mic skill


    -overall skill

    People just want him to turn heel because they think he has been a good guy for far too long and his heel character appeals to older fans whereas his new one mostly appeals to younger fans.

    But I still like him as my favourite wrestler, even though I would love it if he changed to his thuganomics gimmick again since I think it was better, more interesting and it appealed to my age more.

    But nonetheless, I think he is a fantastic wrestler.

    So if WWE reading this; please turn John Cena heel and back into the doctor of thuganomics for the sake of his fanbase, popularity and respect.

    Thank you very much.

  6. I'm not sure why they don'tt like him. I am not a big fan but I do not dislike him either. I respect him because he cares about the wrestling business. All he thinks about is wrestling. He isn't using it to promote himself or find other things to do. You sure can't say that about most other wrestlers now.

    Some don't like him because they say he doesn't have enough moves. People need to understand, the WWE tells its wrestlers what moves they can and can't use. There are many wrestlers in the WWE that can do moves that the WWE won't let them do. That doesn't make them bad wrestlers. It just means the WWE likes certain moves. So those people should hate Vince, Stephanie and other writers and agents, NOT the wrestler. In the WWE wrestlers only do what they are told. Most have NO power to decide anything.

    It is just like your boss at your job telling you what to do. You either do it or you don't have a job.

    Anyway I know I will get more thumbs down, but oh well.

  7. because HE CANT WRESTLE AND IS OVERRATED! a lot of cena fans are on

  8. A person doesn't have to hate another person in order for other people to hate them, he is overrated, cannot wrestle well, and thinks he is a gangster, which makes him a wigger.

    This isn't the religion section

  9. It's because he's










  10. Brace yourself: You're gonna get A LOT of rude responses.

    I agree with you though.

    [I'll probably get a lot of thumbs downs..]

  11. nobody is hate him all wwe fans loves him except who dont like wwe those guys hate john cena

  12. your right

    AMEN to that brother

  13. Because People are tired of seeing him every ppv like in 2007 every ppv...he never lost--other people need chances its like playing Baseball or Kick Ball at school and you want to kick the ball but a bulley just keeps cutting in front of the line...and the teacher doesnt say anything

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  14. they just hate him because they think hes overrated--which hes not. he works hard to earn everything he gets. i read an article today, and it made some really great points. some of the reasons that cena is such a great top superstar is because he is always willing to go wherever, whenever he needs to. superstars like triple h wouldnt be so thrilled about going across the world to do a radio interview, hed rather stay home with his wife & 2 daughters. but cena would gladly go do the interview with no hesitation. hes willing to make any sacrifice that he has to in order to stay in the top of wwe. hes hard working, and hes passionate towards wrestling. he knows that he has to give up some things (like having breaks & days off lol) in order to be a wrestler in wwe.

    i could keep going, but this is probably long enough lol

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