
If John McCain is elected President, what, if anything, does that mean to the sport of Boxing?

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As senator, he has tried to clean it up a bit. Given the power of the Presidency, will he continue?




  1. most likely it will have no affect on boxing

  2. Hey you. You that asked the question.  I advise you to watch the great sport of MMA =]

    edit: hahaha man you guys are ******* panzies giving me thumb downs. give mma a chance. you do understand that the best mma fighter could beat up the best boxer in a real fight right? mma is so many different skills combined. boxing is a tought sport also but not nearly as tough as mma

  3. Big thumbs up to Toughguy and Galactus, HUGE thumbs down to the other fans of the nut hugger semi p**n ''sport'' of MMA. Like I said b4 I'm waiting to see on t.v. a MMA fight where the 2 guys come out to ''Macho Man'' blasting and hot oil being sprayed everywhere. The MMA losers need to patch up the holes they put into their Tito Ortiz love dolls and leave moms basement.

    Anyway to the question, McCain was big on changing boxing, like introducing a national committee or something like that and was gung ho for awhile. But during this campaign he has to my knowledge never mentioned it. Don King doesn't have the power he once wielded thanks to new promotions like Golden Boy. Boxing takes care of itself, if bureaucrats who cant balance a budget get involved all I see is a mess happening and things getting worse.

  4. I dont think McCain is as interested in cleaning up boxing as he once was.   Even if he wanted to I dont think he would have the time.   He would be too busy cleaning up the mess his predicessor made.  I think, when he spoke of cleaning up boxing he had no intentions or belief that he would actually run for president.  

    Its a known fact that McCain isn't a big fan of Don King.  His view of cleaning up the sport would mean getting rid of King.  Oddly enough there are those in boxing who feel the need to keep King around.  It would not be an easy task to get rid of him.  Then again, if the president of the US wanted to get rid of someone it might not be too hard to do.

  5. Boxing is and pretty much always been self governing so I don't think a whole lot will be done to clean it up.  It's for sure that changes need to be made, but I don't believe I would want the government to get involved.

  6. First off, LMAO at Ace saying <<nut hugger semi p**n ''sport'' of MMA.>>  I think perhaps MMA has seen its waterloo as the g*y p**n undertones are becoming overtones.

    In a normal, run of the mill, low-key era like the 90s, I imagine McCain would tackle the many ills of boxing.  As it stands, with a psychotic, twisted bunch of fascists plotting our mass murder, the American President better d**n well be busy plotting their grisly deaths as well.  So I'd say no...I think Johnny Mac is smart enough to keep his eyes on the prize:  killing the bad guys.  There'll be time to straighten out boxing another day.

  7. Boxing is dead.  MMA is more action packed, more violent, and more fast paced.

  8. just put him in the ring

  9. I'm sure he would try or at least approve anything that would be proposed by others that would be in boxing's best interests. Not just cleaning up boxing but he also wanted to develop a pension plan with some money designated to help retirees and other programs so boxers will be able to retire and not have to keep taking that "one more fight."

    Interesting enough since the MMA people voiced in... He had spoken out against the original UFC tournaments which had no rules and tried to outlaw it. It wasn't legal in many states including mine until it was cleaned up and rules were established. But anyhow I think he will continue to be a good ambassador for the sport whether it be having Teddy Atlas and other boxing personalities to the white house or attending some big event.

    Interesting question.

  10. mccain will make wars fought with guns insted of gloves

  11. NO....he would have a lot more priorities  as President than dealing with Boxing. ---- I thought about why I always seem to recall  most  MMA  fighters with real short hair as opposed to Boxers with longer hair or even dreads like Lewis and then I realized that since MMA is more like " b*tch--slapping " they would probably be pulling on each others hair in MMA  if they could.

  12. With a nod to Ace, Galactus, and Fudd-  I will say this:

    McCain has had some great ideas about the governance of boxing.  I won't go into the details of what he would like to see in the future of the sport, I will simply say that he is a boxing fan, and it is reflected in his views for improving the sport.

    If he is elected, there might be (BORING) congressional reviews and c**p like that with promoters, and sanctioning bodies called in to testify.  

    My thought is though, McCain should do that from the senate, because his ideas are good, and let someone who can run the country do just that.

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