
If John McCain is working for the people, then whom do you suppose Obama is working for?

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If John McCain is working for the people, then whom do you suppose Obama is working for?




  1. Some Commie organization

  2. GEORGE SOROS I thought that everybody knew that. h**l, he owns the DNC and move on. There is no doubt who runs things in the democratic party.

  3. Bill Ayers, Wright, Rezko, Farrakhan, Pfleger, Soro's, Immelt, Sinclair, Dorn, Odinga.   Many Radicals.

  4. John McCain is working for himself.  In his own book, and in his own voice (on the audio book) , McCain said that he ran for President out of personal ambition and no other reason.........  how is that for the people?  or for  country first ???

  5. 'the people' should be more specific.

    I believe Obama is working for the population of America. Not really sure what people McCain is working for. The people of his local church? The people in the oil companies?


  6. Obama believes he is working for the people as well.

  7. the unions

    the trial lawyers

    the environmentalists

    and himself

    just like all the democrats

    certainly not you or me

  8. they are each a matter of opinion. one could easily say the reverse depending on which you support. They're both working for the people, imo, just different income brackets of people. LOL. One is for the rich (really, stinking rich) and one is for the rest.

  9. I don't see how John McCain can be for anyone or thing he is actually unaware of.

  10. Obama works for George Soros. Soros OWNS Obama.

  11. McCain cannot lead the Republicans to act with change and social responsibly any more than the Republican governor of California can.  They would not allow him to select Lieberman as a running mate.

    McCain is working for the Republican party. He is a white male, born with the privilege of being in a upper middle class family, married into a wealthy family.  He and his friends do not have to worry about where their next meal is coming from or about the cost of medical care and housing.

    Obama is working for the ordinary people who have lost many of our rights because of Supreme Court appointments made under the Bush Republican administration.

  12. himself and Rev Wright

  13. Mcsame is starting to hear and repeat what Obama is saying,maybe mcsame is trainable

  14. If.

  15. his people.......................

  16. John McCain is not working for the people.

  17. The socialists funding his campaign.

  18. Don't know but someone owns him. How else would some obscure inexperienced nobody rise to candidacy so quickly.

  19. Is it me or did McCain just win the republican nomination for president?  Politicans really do not know me personally so to work for me is a mute point.  If they want to work for the idea of everyone, ok sure.  But if they work for the people who they seem fit to work for then thanks but no thanks.  I have one father and one mother, I do not need nor want another watcher that demeans my differences from them but celebrates our division from each other.

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