
If John McCain picked Elmo as his VP ...?

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Do you think hardcore Republicans would still back him up like they are doing with Sarah Palin?




  1. Elmo was picked by Obama.  All Republicans is for this woman and you Democrats can make your display of blame.  

  2. Yes because they are mindless sheep!

  3. *yawn*

    your really cool. glad you think your funny

  4. Yes especially the ones on fox news

  5. I prefer Palin though. But that Tickle me Elmo that laughs and falls to the ground is pretty cool too.

  6. Yes, they would spin anything..they are shameless.

  7. Sarah Palin, offically VPILF (Vice President I'd Like to...)

  8. Hey, the Democrats nominated Obama without asking any questions about his level of experience.

    The Illinois legislature only meets for a few months each year so that was a PART TIME job.

    He has NO foreign affairs or military experience.

    So why is that a valid criticism of Palin?

    Geraline Ferraro didn't either but nobody said anything in 1984.

    At least Palin is Commander of the Alaska National Guard and directs their training and deployments within the State.

    She went to Iraq to visit HER own troops before Obama ever bothered to go, and visited wounded troops at Landstuhl Military Hospital in Germany on her way home.

    Palin was head of the State Ethics Commission, took on the Old Boys Network, including members of her own party, and got people fired.

    Obama co-sponsored legislation that covered members of congress.

    Does anybody think politicians are less crooked?

    Palin was head of the powerful State Oil and Gas Commission, got money back from Big Oil which she returned to the PEOPLE of Alaska, and started construction of a new pipeline to the Lower 48 to help the entire Nation on the way to energy independence.

    Obama and Biden?  Talk, talk, talk.

    They contribute to "global warming" by producing HOT AIR - not the kind of "natural gas" we need.

    Governor Palin has a record of achievement.

    Obama has been a part time legislator and a full time candidate.

    And Palin did it while raising FIVE kids with her husband - like millions of other hard-working American families.

    They didn't have time to go to the gym like Obama.

  9. As long as Elmo was a uber religious, anti-choice, gun loving creationist, yes, they would. They are sheep.

  10. he is better off with elmo as his vp. also that sarah chick has no experience, shes terrible she dont care about the environment at all. she wants MORE OIL DRILLING. shes got no interest in global warming, no interest in alternative fuels and plus. im pretty sure shes blackmailing mcCain into picking her. she probably spread her legs for him or someting.  

  11. haha of course, they stick to whatever they hear.

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