
If John McCain really believes all his country 1st c**p?

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Then why has he chosen an anti american for his running mate

And why does he want the country to stay at war for a hundred years




  1. anti-American?

    Please explain...

    don't bother....

    these expressions pretty much say it all

    <<<Go back to the zoo. You are too stupid to be on this site. I guess you think Michelle Osama puts country first. " For the first time I am proud" I never really believed in America before. Oh, and yeah,, The Rev Wright. God Dam* America.

    John McCain...beaten, tortured starved and broken. Gets the ok to leave all this behind. But no, he stays five more years to not leave his comrades behind. He fought for America First while Obama was snorting coke and chasing a**.

  2. Of course not. That is his "slogan" to win the blind patriot vote. His choices and campaign rhetoric prove that he puts self and party before country.

  3. your ignorance does not justify a response.

  4. Can you democrats please stop making Questions?

  5. I assume by anti-American you mean the fact that Palin and her husband were members of the Alaskan Independence Party, a political party that's goal is for Alaska to suceed from the United States and form it's own country. It even flirted with the idea of joining Canada a few years back.

    Read about it for yoursel, there's no denying it's goalsf:

    This woman cares about Alaska only, not the United States. It is quite amazing that McCain would choose her.

  6. Palin is the perfect American. Your bringing up a statement that was taken out of context to defend your idiotic ideas.  

  7. Anti American?  What is your basis to call her that?   You can't just throw out slander without any fact.  That is called libel.  A word strangely close to liberal... coincidence?  sure.

    We are winning the war, it will be over a lot sooner, and in victory, because of the successful surge which John McCain supported and Obama voted against.  There, I debunked both of your baseless claims.  Better luck next time.

  8. Are you really that obtuse?  If I said I would kick you so hard, you would choke on my shoestrings, do you really think I would or could actually accomplish that?  You are for the guy who thinks there are 57 states.  I have it on good authority that he knows there are only 50, but hey, he said it, lets misrepresent what he intended.  These type of no brain, idiotic arguments only serves to embarrass the person who asks them.

    Who could be more American than Sara Palin?  She is the face of America.  You are suggesting that Joe Biden is more representative of the average American?  Enjoy the koolaid.

  9. He's dilusional.  Sarah Palin is anti-America, she was a member to the AIP.    

  10. Get ready for WW3 ! if McSame/ Failin Wins !

    They cry this c**p while they kill more Americans in Iraq and want more in Iran and Russia! New Orleans

    And old man who want to fulfill a dream of Glory !

  11. Ah- i see you are one of those "Dont ask what you can do for your country-Ask what your country can do for you" people.

    Always wanting something from your country-yet not wanting to give in return.  

  12. Go back to the zoo. You are too stupid to be on this site.  I guess you think Michelle Osama puts country first.  " For the first time I am proud"  I never really believed in America before.  Oh, and yeah,, The Rev Wright.  God Dam* America.

    John McCain...beaten, tourchered, starved and broken.  Gets the okay to leave all this behind.  But no, he stays five more years to not leave his comrades behind.  He fought for America First  while Obama was snorting coke and chasing a**.

  13. Palin's an "anti-American" now?

    He has never said America will stay at war for 100 years - stop using for your source.

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